chapter 6

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Y/n pov

I was talking to spiderman about my feelings for Peter. He asked me if I told him how I felt, Obviously I hadn't or so I thought I hadn't.. "tell him while he's in his spiderman suit sitting right in front of you." He says. I don't get a word out and he takes his mask off revealing it's him. Peter. Peter Parker.
I don't even know what to say I'm shocked. I mean this explains him disappearing all the time. "You're Spiderman?! Why didn't you tell me!" "No one knows but Ned and the Avengers. I was going to tell you I mean I did tell you." Shit, he's right. He did tell me right now he did but I wasn't worried about that I just told Peter I had a crush on him! " Wait, oh no oh no oh noooo" I say I'm so embarrassed right no " what's up y/n" "What's up? Peter, are you seriously asking me what's up? I just told you that I like you. And that I've liked you since the 4th grade. And I know you have a thing for Liz and you don't like me in that way bu--" I get cut off by Peter "Y/n. I- I've liked you since the 4th grade too." Did he just say he likes me or does he mean that he liked me back then? "Y/n I still like you. Like a lot." He likes me back omg he likes me back! "You do?" " Yes, Y/n Stark" I'm full of excitement he likes me back. And he's spiderman and I was starting to like spiderman which now makes sense and I can't believe how I didn't connect the similarities. " Peter you have no clue how happy I am to hear you say that" " I think I have an idea," he says smiling. I hug him it feels so perfect. Everything feels so perfect until I remembered that I showed him my powers a week ago. " Wait you like me even though I have powers? "Yes. My girlfriend has powers like that's so cool! Like me and you can train together eventually go on missions together little dates in our suits and just normal ones. I hope"

Peter's pov

" Wait you like me even though I have powers? " I hear y/n say "Yes. My girlfriend has powers like that's so cool! Like me and you can train together eventually go on missions together little dates in our suits and just normal ones. I hope" she's starring at me. Did I screw this up, did I say something wrong? "Girlfriend? Like that meaning, you're my boyfriend?" I realized I said girlfriend I haven't even asked her out yet wow I really jumped ahead. "I mean if you would want to be my girlfriend I'll gladly be your boyfriend." " So Peter Parker is that your way of asking me out?" She says smiling " well yeah I guess... Y/n m/n (middle name) Stark will you be my girlfriend?" She jumps up and hugs me "Yes!!! Of course, I'll be your girlfriend!!" I went to go kiss her but the avengers got home.

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