Christmas [7]

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December 25th, 2011

Louis William Tomlinson

I slowly open my eyes up and faintly smell pancakes. I rub my eyes and slowly roll out of bed, making my way to the kitchen.

It's Christmas day and both mine and Harry's family were meant to come back over to open presents. They were staying at a hotel since we didn't exactly have enough guest rooms for all four of my sisters, my mum, Harry's mum, and his sister.

Once I stepped into the kitchen, I saw Harry cooking. I silently went over to where there was a kettle on the stove and made my tea. Harry hadn't noticed me, he was very focused on his pancakes, and I wasn't going to be the one to disturb him.

While I finished making my tea, Harry was putting the pancakes he had made onto a plate with the rest. He turned a little towards me and jumped slightly. "Louis! How long have you been standing there?"

"A minute or two, I was making my tea. I didn't want to disturb you while you were making those pancakes. You seemed very focused." I said, sipping some of my tea.

"Oh. You scared me." Harry said, giggling a little. "Oh, by the way," Harry said, seeming to remember something, "Our families will be here really soon."

"Is that why you made so many pancakes?" I said, pointing over to the large stack of pancakes on a plate.

"Yeah, I wanted everyone to have a nice breakfast." Harry said, smiling his dimpled smile. "Hopefully the girls won't be too impatient to open presents, the pancakes might get cold."

"I'm sure they're really excited, but Mum always makes breakfast before we open presents so they're used to it." I say, sitting down at the island. At this point, Harry has gone back to his pancakes.

I sit there and watch as Harry focuses on the pancakes. It almost looked as though he was trying to perfect the pancakes.

"How long have you been up making pancakes?" I ask him, as he stays focused on the pancakes.

"Uhh... Maybe an hour and a half?" He says, looking up for a second then going back to the pancakes.

"Harry, you've been making pancakes for over an hour. How is it taking you so long?" I question, standing up and approaching him. "I make the world's lumpiest pancakes and it only took me fifteen minutes."

"Well, I was trying to make them shaped like hearts." Harry said, seeming kind of embarrassed. I stood next to him and looked down at the pancakes. "I wanted it to be special, but they don't look very good."

"I like them, they do look like hearts." I say, putting my hand on his shoulder, attempting to make him feel better.

"Not really, I just wanted everyone to have special pancakes since we won't see them all for quite a while because of the tour." Harry said, looking down at his hands.

"Haz." I say, moving him to face me, while both my hands are on his shoulders. "They're perfect, and you don't need to worry about it being special, it's special as long as we're all here, together."

I pull him into a hug and nuzzle my face into his shoulder.

"That's the cheesiest thing I've ever heard you say," he giggles. Right after he said that the doorbell rang and we had to pull apart, leaving me missing his warmth.

"Is breakfast ready?" I ask him, looking back at the pancakes. They did look a bit like hearts, but it seemed as though the batter spread away from the heart shape while being made.

"Yeah, the table just needs to be made." Harry says, picking up the plate of pancakes.

"I'll set the table, and you can let everyone in," I say, taking the plate from Harry.

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