First Show [9]

17 2 55

January 1st, 2012

Louis William Tomlinson

I started to wake up from the sun showing through the curtains. I squinted from the light and buried my face back into the pillow. After a second, I move my head back and open my eyes, just now noticing the weight and heat that I felt against my back.

I turned my head a bit to see Harry, fast asleep, with his arm wrapped around me. I smiled. He seemed to be sleeping peacefully, which meant he hadn't had another nightmare throughout the night.

I didn't want to disturb him but I needed to use the toilet and he was practically laying on top of me.

I slowly rolled over in his grip so I was laying on my back, and leaned over to kiss his cheek.

This caused him to shift a bit, but not fully wake up, so I tried to pry his arms off me as slow as I could, which only caused him to tighten his grip on me.

"No," Harry spoke with a very tired sounding voice.

"Hazza, let go please," I say, almost begging. He didn't respond, but he shook his head, and tightened his grip. "I have to pee."

"Fine," he said, letting go of me and rolling onto his back. "But will you come back after?"

"Of course," I say, smiling.

I get up out of bed and start to make my way out of the room. "Lou?"

I turn around quickly to look at him. Harry was laying there looking at me with droopy eyes and making grabby hands. "Kiss?"

I quickly ran over and quickly kissed his lips, then made my way down the hall to the bathroom.

After I used the toilet, I went back into my room and saw Harry was either laying there with his eyes closed, or he fell back asleep.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, grabbing my phone to check the time. It read 8:30 AM.

We didn't need to be at the venue until 11:00 AM, so I crawled back in bed and cuddled up to Harry. He must've been awake because he wrapped his arms back around me.

"I want to sleep more," he said, not bothering to open his eyes.

"Go back to sleep, we have plenty of time until we need to get up." I say, kissing his forehead.

"Goodnight," he mumbled, and fell back asleep, causing me to let out a small laugh.

Some time after, we both woke up again, this time realizing we had to get up, even if we didn't want to.

"I'll go make breakfast I guess," Harry sighed, getting up out of bed.

"Is your stuff packed?" I asked before he could walk out.

"Yeah, I packed yesterday, my bags in my room."

"Okay, I'm gonna get my stuff together then meet you in the kitchen." I say, grabbing what I still had left to pack.

"Okay," he said, smiling at me, then walking out the room.

I folded all the clothes I planned to bring in my bag and zipped it up. I knew some of what I would wear on stage was being provided by our dressers, but I had to be sure to pack plenty of clothes.

After I had my bag packed, I brought my bag into the living room. I set the bag down by the door and went into the kitchen where Harry was making eggs and bacon.

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