Roommates? [2]

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Hello! I just wanted to say, make sure to pay attention to the point of view's. I hope you enjoy it!!

October 4th, 2011

Louis William Tomlinson

It had been three weeks since the release of What Makes You Beautiful and since I kissed Harry. After we released it, management had us working hard on the other songs for our first album. So hard, that Harry and I never really had a moment to talk about it. I was afraid he was mad that I kissed him.

I wanted to, which is something I didn't expect in myself. I've never had some of the feelings I'm having, for a boy before. I felt like I liked Harry in more than a friendship way, but I'm not even sure what these feelings are. I don't regret kissing him either, but I was afraid Harry didn't like me in that way. In fact, I knew he didn't.

I barely even knew what I was feeling. I've never been attracted to a boy before and I wasn't sure what to do. The excitement took over me when What Makes You Beautiful hit half a million. My first reaction was to kiss Harry, similar to how it was when we were formed as a band. My first reaction then was to jump into his arms.

We were only a month away from releasing our first album, so management gave us a few days of a break before we really had to work hard. I spent some of my free time in this break thinking about how to talk to Harry.

Part of me wanted to tell him what I was feeling, although I wasn't quite sure what it was. He is my best friend and I share everything with him. Then there was the other part of me. The scared boy who just wanted someone to care for him. That part of me said no. It wanted me to stay away from getting hurt by telling him that it was an accident and I didn't mean it. Even though that was a lie.

So here I was, sitting in on my hotel bed, waiting for Harry. I had asked him to come to my hotel room so we could talk.

What I was going to say to him took me a lot of thought. I didn't want to do what I was about to do, but I didn't know what else to do. It hurt me to think I was doing this.

I was looking down at my hands while I fidgeted with a pen. I shot my head up when I heard a knock at the door. I let out a deep breath and got up off the bed. I walked to the door and opened it.

"Hey Lou, what's up?" Harry asked, he looked concerned.

"I wanted to talk about, um-" I started but had difficulty finishing.

"Is this about you kissing me?" Harry spoke for me. I looked back down to the pen still being fidgeted within my hand.

"Yeah," I spoke quietly. "It-it..." I struggled with my words again. I took a deep breath again and spoke up.

"It was a mistake, I didn't mean to kiss you." I lied, feeling horrible as soon as I let it out.

"Oh, yeah..." Harry said, "Is that all you needed?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to get that out there. We're good right?" I asked, looking up from my hands, but seeing Harry looking down at his lap like I was. He looked up at me.

"Yeah, we're good." Harry said, "I'm gonna go."

"Oh okay, see you at the studio," I said, but Harry walked out right as I said it.

As soon as the door slammed, I felt the tears flow down my cheeks. I rarely ever cried, but it hurt me to do that. I lied to Harry about my feelings.

Harry Edward Styles

"It was a mistake, I didn't mean to kiss you," Louis said, looking me straight in the eyes, but afterwards looking back down to his hands.

"Oh, yeah..." I said, looking down at my lap. "Is that all you needed?"

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