Nightmares [5]

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I thought I'd put a warning here. I'm not completely sure how to word this warning, but I still thought it'd be a good idea to add one. Like the title suggests, Nightmares. I'm not sure if it's too serious, but it might describe some details that may be triggering. I just wanted to say that, proceed with caution and carefully :)

December 2nd, 2011

Louis William Tomlinson

It had been around 2 weeks since Harry and I moved into our new apartment and our album was released. We were given a break until the start of our tour, with a few interviews in between. The tour started the first of the new year, they told us we could have Christmas then New Years Eve. They said we would leave on the tour bus on the first day of the New Year at 9 in the morning.

I had been stressing over what to get Harry for christmas, I wanted it to be special and something important, but I couldn't think of anything. It was starting to keep me up at night, because I was struggling so much with what to give him.

I opened my eyes and looked over at the clock on my nightstand. It read 1:04 AM. I sighed and rolled out of bed, making my way out into the hallway. I lazily made my way down the hallway into the bathroom to use the toilet.

Once I finished, I was on my way back to my room when I stopped. I could hear small sniffles and quiet sobs. I quietly made my way towards the sound and slowly opened the door. I saw Harry on his bed, knees up against his chest with his head resting there. He was shaking. I stepped into his room and sat down next to him on his bed.

"Haz?" I said, gently touching his shoulder. He jumped at my touch, but looked up and realized it was me. His face was covered in tears and he looked very scared and shaken up. "Hazza, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry," he said, before putting his face back into his knees.

"Hey, Harry," I spoke, sitting closer next to him with my hand still on his shoulder. "Talk to me, what's wrong?"

"I-I," he started but got choke up.

"You're okay, just take deep breaths."

"I had a nightmare.." He spoke, after taking a few breaths. "It was horrible, Lou."

"Do you want to tell me about it?" I ask, while wiping a few tears from his cheeks.

"It was so scary and I was so confused. There was so much violence and fire everywhere. I didn't know what was happening." Harry spoke, as he started to choke up again and more tears fell from his eyes.

"You're okay now, Haz, I'm here." I said, hugging Harry. I could feel his tears on my neck as he had his face against my shoulder.

"Thank you, I'm sorry for waking you." He said, voice muffled from my t-shirt.

"I was already awake. Why don't you lay down? I'm gonna go get you a glass of water, okay?" I say, pulling away from Harry to look him in the eyes.

"Okay," he responds, laying his head back on his pillow and rubbing his eyes.

I got up and walked into the kitchen, getting out a glass from the cabinets. I went over to the freezer and got out a few ice cubes and went back to the faucet, filling the glass with water.

After I got the water, I made my way back into Harry's room. When I stepped back into his room, he was still lying in bed, curled up. He still seemed pretty wide awake though.

"Here you go," I said, handing Harry the glass of water.

"Thanks, you really don't need to help me."

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