New Years (Part 1) [8]

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December 31st, 2011

Louis William Tomlinson

It was News Years Eve and Harry and I were both getting ready for a party that Niall was throwing at his new flat. I wasn't completely sure how many people are going to be there, but I knew Zayn and Liam were also going.

I had put on a pair of my usual colorful pants and a white shirt. I was pretty well ready to go, waiting for Harry in the living room, just how he did on my birthday.

Neither of us were planning to stay too long at Niall's flat because we have our first show for tour tomorrow night. We were gonna go till maybe 1:00 AM then head home so we could get sleep before we had to go to the venue to prepare for the show.

Not long after I sat down on the couch in the living room, Harry came in, dressed in a dark blazer, jeans, and a white undershirt. He looked really nice.

"Let's go, Niall won't like us being late." Harry says, heading towards the front door. I stand up and follow him towards the front door. We both went out to my car and we drove our way to Niall's flat, which wasn't actually that far at all, but it was dark and cold out so we didn't want to walk.

Once we pulled up outside Niall's flat, we got out of the car and headed inside. Inside there were about 20-25 people there, mainly some of our close friends and some of the people from our band and such. Either Niall didn't want the party to be too much or Liam made sure he didn't invite too many people.

When we got inside, Harry had gone off to find Niall. I made my way over to where Zayn was sitting down on the couch alone.

"Hey Z," I said, sitting down next to him.

"Hey Lou, did you just get here?" He asked.

"Yeah, how long have you been here?"

"I got here around half an hour ago." Zayn said, as he took a sip of his drink. "Did Harry come with you?"

"Yeah, he went to find Niall."

"Have you told him how you feel yet?" Zayn asked, softened his tone a bit. I had told Zayn about whatever my feelings were towards Harry.

"No, not yet. I don't know what I'm feeling. I've never liked a boy before." I sigh, looking down at my hands.

"You'll figure it out soon. I even think he likes you back."

"You think so?" I ask, looking back up to him.

"The only way for you to know for sure is for you to confess your feelings."

"I know you're right, but I'm scared."

"Who knew the sass master would be scared of confessing his feelings." Zayn jokes. I laugh in response to that. A second later Liam came and sat down with us.

"Hey, what're you guys talking about?" Liam asked, Zayn looked over to me and cheekily smiled then turned back to Liam.

"Louis' crush on Harry." He says, I roll my eyes in response.

"He still hasn't done anything about that?" Liam asks.

"You know about it?" Zayn asked.

"I figured when he needed advice from me a few months back." Liam said. I just sit silently with my arms crossed against my chest.

"No, he still hasn't done anything, he's too scared to confess his feelings." Zayn said, rolling his eyes jokingly, adding a smirk.

"I am not," I said, stubbornly.

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