House Hunting [3]

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November 15th, 2011

Harry Edward Styles

After Louis had asked if I wanted to be his roommate, we had been searching for an apartment. We didn't have much time though. Management wanted us to focus on making the album, telling us we had time for our personal lives after.

It was a few days before the album was to be released, so we got some freetime. They said we could take off the three days that we had until the album is released. After that, well, we might go on tour.

The team had told us with the success of What Makes You Beautiful, we most likely would be able to. Along with the fans that stayed with us after the X-factor. I was excited to go on tour, but I knew we wouldn't be home for a while. I've always wanted to see more of the world though, so maybe this is my opportunity.

I woke up to Louis poking me obnoxiously, trying to wake me. I opened my eyes to see Louis smiling down at me, and I looked over at the small alarm clock the hotel put in my room. The alarm read,7:00 AM. I groaned and rolled over onto my side, burying my face back into the pillow.

"Harry, you have to get up!" Louis said in a very perky manner.

"Why? It's so early, can't I just sleep in." I said after closing my eyes, not opening them to look at Louis. Louis jumped over me and layed down on his side and was facing me. "Why are you even awake? You're normally the one who wants to sleep in, not me."

"I thought we could go look at apartments." Louis said, gently stroking the side of my face, I continued to keep my eyes closed. "Now, get up."

"Fine.." I said rolling out of bed onto the floor and just laying on the floor.

"You're being dramatic. You have 20 minutes to meet me in the hotel lobby." Louis said, waving as he left the room.

I never realized how excited he was to get an apartment. I mean, I can't wait to finally have a place that is actually mine. The only things in this stupid hotel room I owned were my clothes and hygiene products.

I got up off the floor and stretched. I had my sweatpants on and a black hoodie. I rummaged through my suitcase, trying to find a pair of jeans and a jumper. After I found them, I neatly put all my clothes back into the suitcase. I took off my hoodie and changed into my jumper and did the same with my sweatpants. I took out a pair of socks from my suitcase and put them on, while scanning the room for my brand new white converse. Once I spotted them, I slipped them on and stood up to walk into the hotel bathroom, to get ready.

Once I finished getting ready, I grabbed my phone and wallet and walked out into the hallway. I headed towards the elevator and made my way towards the lobby, ready to meet up with Louis.

Apparently Louis had found multiple apartments to look at today. We went to the first three apartments. They were nice, but there was just something about them that didn't make me think of them as a good home.

We only had one apartment left to look at. Louis didn't say much about his opinion on the apartments. He just nodded at everything the realtor said. The car we were in started approaching the new apartment building. We stepped out of the car and started towards the entrance of the rather luxurious apartment building.

"This is Princess Park Estates. They have luxury apartment complexes." The realtor said, showing Louis and I through the hall to the apartment. "I'll let you take a look. I'm going to talk with the owners."

"Okay," Louis said, as the realtor walked away. "Come on then, let's check out this one."

I walked into the apartment and looked around the room, my eyes stopping on the first thing that caught my eye. A grand piano.

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