The Start Of New Things [1]

104 7 115

September 9th, 2011

Harry Edward Styles

We managed to make it to 3rd place in the X-factor but we lost. The five of us discussed among ourselves what we would do if we lost. We had all agreed if we lost that we would still stay as a band and make music. We had gained a good amount of fans during our time on the X-factor.

We spent a lot of time recording our debut single. It was coming together pretty well. Although I do wish Niall and Louis could have a solo. I tried to convince them all, but they said it was already set for who would sing what parts. I didn't fight them.

I had grown close with all the boys since we had been formed together as a band. I felt like I had a connection with Louis that I couldn't explain. They were all becoming like my best friends and I was happy for it.

We had recorded our debut single, What Makes You Beautiful, and now we were just waiting to release it. The music video was done and ready to go. We were sitting in the studio waiting for our manager and producers to come in to talk with us. Niall was sitting on a stool beside Liam, who was also on a stool. They were having a laugh. Zayn was to the right of me on the couch while Louis was to the left. Zayn was on his phone, his mind somewhere else.

"I wonder what they called us here for," I said turning towards Louis, who was situated to his own comfort. He had his right leg up in his lap with his hands messing with his shoes.

"I think they finally came up with a release date for our song," Louis said looking up at me. I couldn't help but stare at his beautiful blue eyes. We set there making eye contact for a few moments until our manager and producers walked in breaking our eye contact.

"Alright lads, we've decided on a good release date for What Makes You Beautiful. You'll be glad to hear it won't be long at all." Our manager said, sitting down on another empty stool. "We decided on September 11th."

I pulled out my phone and checked the date. It was already September 9th. We only had 2 days until the release date. That was a lot sooner than we had expected.

After we got voted off the X-factor, I've been living in a hotel room in London. I was partly thinking about getting an apartment, but I was worried about costs and living alone. The rest of the boys also were staying in hotel rooms so I guess I shouldn't complain.

They told us our release date, then we all gathered our stuff and left. I stayed back with Louis, he didn't start packing up immediately like everyone else did.

"Harry, do you want to go grab some food?" Louis asked, finally starting to pack up his stuff.

"Sure, I'm starving," I said, Louis had a small giggle. I smiled at his little laugh.

We packed up all our things and made our way out of the studio. I followed Louis out into the street, where we both walked down the street towards a line of restaurants.

"Which one should we eat at?" Louis asked, as I looked over at the few restaurants there were to choose from.

"I'm in the mood for some italian," I said as I looked over at the italian restaurant.

"Sounds good," Louis said, grabbing my hand and dragging me across the street towards the restaurant.

Once we crossed the street I continued to follow Louis into the restaurant, neither of us letting go of each other's hands. I didn't want him to let go.

"Table for two?" The waitress asked looking up at Louis and I.

"Yes," Louis replied, squeezing my hand and letting go.

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