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God studied humanity. He was in control of it, he had to make sure it all went perfect. He started noticing that the people were down. Not completely sure why, he thought through some ways he could make the world better. It hadn't gotten too bad yet so he didn't worry too much about it.

As he watched more and more as the next few years passed by, he noticed they kept getting more and more sad. He had contemplated many ways he could possibly make humanity happier. He couldn't change any past events that had occured so he tried to think of other ways. He paid close attention to what seemed to make humans happy.

He noticed that a lot of humans connected through music or other people who share the same interests. Soon an idea sparked in his mind. It wasn't guaranteed to make everyone happier, but it could work.

He was getting tired of seeing all of the people sad and upset. It had been a long time since he saw them this way.

His idea had taken some planning, but he was ready to do it. One of his new angels he decided could fulfill his task. He started noticing humanity's sadness years ago, but now he was finally ready to take action. He sent his young angel down to earth where he would live as a human. He would be born as a baby boy and be raised as a normal human child.

He watched as the angel was born into the human world. He saw how the young one opened his eyes for the first time to see his new human family. The family he was born into had chosen a name for him. They named the beautiful newborn, Harry Edward Styles.

He wasn't sure when the boy would learn the truth. As he was a human on Earth, he had the features of his human family. God made sure that he looked like them, as did most children born on Earth. He knew that an important date to him now would be February 1st 1994.

He watched the young boy grow older. As more things piled upon his plate of life. As the humans had called it, drama. He watched him go through things some children didn't have to deal with. He saw him meet new people, people who would potentially be a part of his life in the future, or maybe not.

In God's point of view, he grew quite quick. To Harry though, he was just getting started.

God could see his plans for Harry playing out. He knew he would make the world brighter and happier as he grew up.

Harry had dealt with the drama given to him and came out with a smile. As he grew older, he began to sing, learning he had a talent for singing. He practiced and realized he really enjoyed it as well.

He had formed a band with some friends around the age of 15. The band entered a battle of the bands. These little competitions didn't make much sense to God, but he let Harry live his own life, because he knew great things would come from it.

Harry went through the battle of the bands successfully, winning the competition. He had met someone during the competition. He had come across a boy a few years older than him. He never got his name, but he sure had wished he did. The boy was goofy and sweet. Harry found himself happy thinking about the boy.

Soon enough, Harry's 16th birthday came around. He was happy. He had come to a decision amongst his mother, step-father, who had become like his birth father, and sister that he wanted to audition for the X-factor. They thought about it, his mother knew he had a special talent that the world needed to hear.

He was excited to get to audition. Maybe he could start a career in the music industry. His only proper job was being a cashier at the local bakery, but he wasn't complaining.

He prepared. Practiced enough and he was finally ready for it. The moment he walked onto that stage where the three judges saw him. They asked him a few questions about him before he could sing.

He was nervous to perform in front of so many people along with the people whomst would determine his future. He sang his song of choice, which was "Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder.

He sang it acapella with no music in the background. As he finished his bit of the song, he heard the crowd applaud him with cheers. The judges talked a bit about his performance and then finally revealed whether he would go through or not.

The judges had given him two yes's and one no, meaning he would be going through.

As he made it through the X-factor, he grew more and more nervous, not sure if he would be making it through. It was the time where they would choose some people to go through. As Harry stood there nervously he waited for his name to be called. They called a few names, finally approaching the last one.

Harry waited for his name to be called, but unfortunately that was not the case.

He began to become saddened and upset. The group of people who hadn't been called abandoned the stage, all of them wandering off to go find some comfort.

Before Harry could go off and be alone with his sadness, he was stopped. Someone stopped him to tell him that they wanted to see a group of people. He was brought to a group of around ten people. They said if they called their name, to step forward. They began to call names.

"Zayn Malik," the man called and a tan boy with black hair around Harry's age stepped forward.

"Liam Payne," he said as another boy walked to the front of the group. The boy had a sad look on his face like most of the boys had.

Sure enough, they called his name, "Harry Styles." Harry stepped forward nervously, wondering what was going on.

They continued to call more names, "Niall Horan." A blonde boy of Harry's age stepped forward, nervously biting his nails.

"Lastly, Louis Tomlinson." They called and Harry saw a familiar boy step forward. It was the boy he had met at the battle of the bands competition. "We will be taking you out to the stage now," the man said as the five of them followed him out to the stage.

They stepped up onto the stage and wrapped their arms around each other as a way of comfort. There were another group of four girls on the other side of the stage, doing the same thing as the boys did with Harry, except they were holding hands.

They all nervously stood there waiting for something to be said. As two of the judges sat there and explained to the two groups that they decided they were too talented to let go so they would be forming a group.

This news brought excitement into Harry's eyes and soul. His first reaction was to run towards the boy he had met at the battle of the bands and hug him. Louis Tomlinson was his name, he would have to remember that. They jumped up and down excitedly as they were explained some more things and took off the stage for a short interview.

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