New Years (Part 2) [8]

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Same kind of warning there was in Chapter 5 (Nightmares). Most of what's described may be similar to a panic attack. There also may be somewhat violent details, so please continue carefully and cautiously. Enjoy!

January 1st, 2011

Harry Edward Styles

After it was passed midnight, we danced a little more and then I was starting to get tired. I guess Louis noticed, so we decided to go home. It was around 1:15 AM when we got home and I was ready to just go to bed so I went to my room and got ready for bed.

After laying down, it didn't take long for me to fall fast asleep. When I say I was tired, I was exhausted. Plus I wanted to get plenty of sleep for the concert the following night.

I look around, confused with my surroundings. There wasn't much in my vision, only bright lights. It was blinding. It reminded me of when someone dies in a movie and they go to heaven.

Wait, am I dying?

How would that have even happened?

I'm probably just dreaming.

The bright lights started to fade a bit, not completely, but enough to stop being so blinding. It was still pretty empty, not much to see. Nobody was around and there weren't any signs of where I could be.

I could hear faint yelling in the background, I couldn't make out what was being said. It started getting louder and the bright sky was suddenly turning very dark. The sky turned to a deep red.

After the sky changed colors, the realization hit me.

This is the same nightmare from before.

I saw everything I had seen before. Large groups of people fighting. It was almost like they were at war or something.

Like last time, I started panicking.

I was just stuck standing in the middle of the battle. People running towards me with swords and other types of weapons.

They would always just go past me and go for someone else, but it still scared me. I couldn't do anything to stop it.

I had my hands over my face and my eyes closed when I heard someone yelling, "Move!"

I took my hands from my face and looked to see who they were yelling at. They were looking at me, or more so behind me. I turned around to see someone coming right at me, but they were coming so fast I didn't react.

Before I could do anything, I felt the sword pierce through my stomach.

I sat up with a jolt. I had a lot of sweat and tears. I could barely breathe, it felt like I couldn't take in any air.

I got out from under the sheets and sat on top of them trying to calm down.

After trying to calm down for a few minutes but nothing working, I got up and started to pace around the hallway.

I want Louis, but I don't want to wake him. What did he say earlier?

If you ever have one and can't get back to sleep, please wake me up.

Should I?

No, I can't wake him up.

Willing to try anything, I laid down on the floor in the hallway and stared up at the ceiling. I was still shaking horribly and I couldn't figure out what to do to calm down.

After trying that I decided to go get a glass of water. That probably wasn't the best idea because I was shaking so much I ended up dropping the glass on the floor.

I couldn't leave the mess, so I quickly picked up the bigger pieces of glass and threw them away. I was still shaking and crying, but I was trying my best to clean up. In the process of cleaning them up, I tried to not accidentally cut myself but I had cut my finger a little bit.

"Harry?" I heard from behind me.

"I-It's o-okay, g-go back t-to bed." I stuttered out, keeping my eyes on the glass. Louis suddenly appeared beside me. He looked down and saw the glass on the floor, along with me beside it hurriedly cleaning it up.

"Haz, hey." He said, gently taking my hands, stopping me from grabbing anything else. "What happened?"

I let out a shaky breath, while a few more tears fell from my face.

"Did you have another nightmare?" He asked, concern showing on his face. I nodded. He pulled me into a hug, "I told you to wake me up."

He pulled away from the hug and looked back down at the floor where the glass was, then he looked at my hands.

"You're bleeding," he said, gently taking my hands in his so he could see them. "Come here."

He pulled me over to the sink to rinse my hands off. He cleaned off the blood, and wrapped a small bandage around my hand, while I was still crying and shaking.

After he did that, he took me to his room and told me to lay down and that he would be right back.

I curled up under the blankets and wiped some of my tears away. Not long after, Louis came back in and laid down right beside me. I curled up to him as soon as I could, needing his comfort.

I lay in silence as he gently brushed his fingers across my cheek, wiping away whatever tears were left. My breathing patterns became steadier, but I still hadn't let go of Louis.


"Yeah," I said, looking up to Louis.

"Are you alright?" He said with concern evident.

"I'm okay now," I say, smiling at him.

"Was it the same one?" He asks, as I reposition myself, having my face almost hidden in his neck.

"At first it was, but towards the end it was worse." I say, quietly, almost whispering.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Don't be afraid to come get me, okay? I want to help you."

"Okay," I say, my voice getting quieter, as I was starting to drift off.

"Goodnight Hazza."

"Goodnight," I say, leaning up to kiss his cheek then laying my head back down.

Author's Note

Hello!! I apologize if the dream details weren't very good, I was having a hard time wording it.

I'm actually really proud of this chapter, I even had a larry breakdown towards the end. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, the next one they will be starting tour so yay!! Anyways, leave feedback in the comments if you want to, I love to read the comments and reply. Bye bye!!

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