Move In Day [4]

24 4 28

November 17th, 2011

Harry Edward Styles

I could hear faint knocking, not fully aware of where it was coming from. I rolled over on the bed and covered my ears with my pillow.

Another knock. This time I opened my eyes and adjusted to the lighting, before I went to the door. I opened the door and saw Louis standing there holding a bag from McDonald's. "Good morning," he said, as I stepped aside to let him in.

"What time is it?" I asked him, laying back down on my bed.

"7:00 AM," Louis said, taking out the food from the bag. He handed me a container that held pancakes, while he took out a wrapped breakfast burrito with hash brown.

"Why so early? I didn't think you liked waking up early." I said to him, as I opened up my container of pancakes.

"I went to bed pretty early last night, and woke up around an hour and a half ago. I couldn't get back to sleep so I just got up and got ready, thought I'd bring you some breakfast." He replied, biting into his burrito.

"Thanks, but what about the other lads?" I asked, he didn't just get breakfast for me and him, did he?

"They'll manage on their own. They'll probably just get room service. I thought since we are both up we should start getting ready for the move in today."

"Oh right, yeah, I'm excited to move in there." I replied, smiling at Louis.

"Me too, it'll be nice to have someplace that's more personal, you know?" Louis said, finishing off his burrito. I was almost done with my pancakes.

"Yeah, I understand that." I said, picking up the trash from our breakfast and putting it in the bin.

"I'll let you get ready and pack up your stuff. How about we meet in the lobby in an hour and a half, yeah?" Louis asked, as he stood up and moved towards the door.

"Yeah, okay, see you soon Lou." I said, as I waved goodbye to him, smiling to myself.

As much as I told myself I didn't have feelings for him, I knew it was a lie. It didn't seem like feelings that you would have over a friend, no, it was more, but I wasn't sure what. I've had crushes on boys before, but I've also had crushes on girls too. I knew that I was attracted to both, but never really determined my sexuality. It was always easier to not have to put a label on myself. My family knew, and supported me, so did the other boys. They knew, but I never really told them much about it.

I let out a small sigh and went to get some clothes from my luggage. I took out a warm, orange sweater and some light colored jeans. It was starting to get cold out, so I thought now was a good time to wear some of my new sweaters.

I set my clothes out on my bed and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After I got out of the shower, I went into my room with a towel wrapped around my waist. I quickly slipped on my boxers, and changed into the clothes I previously laid out. I then went back into the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my hair, then stepping back into my room.

I gathered all my clothes that weren't in my bags and neatly placed them inside. I finished packing up all my bags that I had with me and made sure everything was packed in them. I looked around to make sure I was forgetting anything. I had all my clothes and devices packed up.

"Oh!" I said out loud, quickly remembering that I still had my bathroom items.

I stepped into the bathroom and gathered all of the stuff that I had previously brought, placing it into a small bag and stuffing it into my luggage. I took one last glance around the room, before pulling out my phone and checking the time. It read 8:10 A.M. This is it. I'm finally going to be in my own place, living with my best mate. I slipped on my boots before moving over to my luggage.

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