Kill the Martial Artists! Part 3

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As the carriage stopped by them, the three outsiders wondered, what could it be? "Does this people not have a place to stay? How unfortunate..." the clearly well brought and well looking lady said, for which one of her personal guards answered "Again my lady?" the lady shrugged "It's my nature... Hello there, are you three from the countryside?" The Lady now directed her attention towards the group "Huh? Yes, why?" Tatsumi asked, confused "If you don't have a place to stay, you could come to my house, and stay there for sometime, until the three of you can afford your own living" despite wanting to accept the offer, due to the recent event, Tatsumi felt really distrustful towards the girl "I don't have any money with me..." the lady couldn't help but laugh a bit "You wouldn't sleep here if you had, would you?" One of the guards then proceeded to explain "Lady Aria can't bare to see people suffering, she won't leave you alone" "You should accept her charity" the other completed "Well... I guess it's better than sleeping out here, right guys?" The otherworldly martial artists were silent, they sensed that something with this girl wasn't right, but they couldn't quite get to it "Sure, I agree, it's better than staying here" Krillin answered, while Goku only nodded "~It's settled then!" The girl said with a lovely tone.

"WOAHHH" Tatsumi couldn't help but let a such a gasp come out "This place is huge!" Even Goku and Krillin were impressed "This is certainly a big house!" Goku exclaimed, the house owners, Aria's mother and father, were sitting at the table "Oh, Aria brought someone again, I wonder how many they've been now" the father said, while Tatsumi was impressed by everything, including the 'powerful' guards, Goku and Krillin used their Ki abilities to explore around "Those guards seem pretty weak" Goku thought to himself "Maybe they are considered strong in this place? If that's the case, I don't think we're gonna run into any trouble in this world" "THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" Goku's thoughts were cut short by a very loud and unexpected thanks from Tatsumi "Don't worry! It's nothing really" Aria said, almost flattered "Please, make yourself at home" The girl completed, Tatsumi smiled, he was really glad that, after everything, he found some good people at the Capital, but he still didn't forget why he came to the Capital in first place "Actually... If it's not asking too much, I would like to ask another favor".

After explaining to them, it finally seems like Tatsumi is getting somewhere, a commendable dream, the father said, after all, many with such proficiency and skill with a sword would rather use them to enrich themselves instead of fighting for others, and in Tatsumi's case, fighting to save his village "You know, the Capital may seem peaceful, but when you're inside the army, you may be assigned to fight in the frontier, many different and dangerous races live there, and you could be dragged into bloody battles, are you sure you want that?" The Father asked, showing some kind of genuine worry, or at least, faking it pretty well "I'm ready for that, don't worry sir" The father smiled, and Aria then asked "But Tatsumi, from what you said, those two aren't from your village, did you come all this way alone?" Aria asked with a bright smile, at this point Tatsumi were comfortable, and while Goku and Krillin didn't lower their guards, they started to dismiss they initial bad feeling, trying to find some good reason for that, perhaps the Ki in this world is different f from their world? Anyways, Tatsumi answered "Nope, I actually left my village with two of my friends, they're great warriors as well, so I'm not so concerned about their well-being, but they're not very good with directions, so I wonder if they can actually get to the Capital, especially Ieyasu" the father stood up, and with a strong voice told the boy "Very well! Let's get some rest, for now, I'll recommend you for an acquaintance in the army, and investigate those two as well" Tatsumi couldn't contain his happiness "THANKS YOU VERY MUCH SIR! In the mean time, is there anything I could do to help you?" Aria then interrupted "Oh, if you wanna help, you could be my bodyguard with the others!" Everyone seemed satisfied, and with the arrangements being made by the Captain of the bodyguards, Gauri, they called that a day and went rest, while in the rooms, Goku and Krillin slept pretty quickly, after all, they were really tired after the long trip they made, first towards Namek, and after a trans-dimensional interruption, into the Imperial Capital, Tatsumi on the other hand, took a while to sleep, his mind was processing a lot "I got lucky, in the end, I was saved by some good people in the Capital, now all I gotta do is find Sayo and Ieyaso, I really hope they get into the Capital safely, after that, maybe Goku and Krillin could teach us some great techniques! They are really strong after all".

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