Kill the Martial Artists! Part 4

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Tatsumi didn't give much thought about where his two new friends were, as in the heat of the battle, he was more concerned about surviving, so when Goku arrived he was relieved to see him once again, but the impressive part is that he couldn't even see him coming, luckily, this should mean Goku might stand a chance against Night Raid "Thanks Goku, really, I thought I was done for" Goku stood firm, ready to face his foe, the assassin girl in front of him didn't emit an insanely powerful Ki, it was way above than the average warrior, but nothing absurd, on the other hand, her weapon in particular exhaled some kind of Ki, but Goku's thoughts are interrupted by the girl who doesn't lose time and quickly slashes her Katana towards Goku's torso, which Goku effortlessly dodges by taking a quick backpedal and then counterattacks, sending a kick directly towards her face, while the girl could see the kick coming, which is already impressive, she simply lacked the speed to dodge it, only managing to block it at the last second, still taking quite the hit, the kick sent her flying, that's when finally the Onee-san joins in and catch her friend midair, Goku smirks "Hello again strange girl, I was wondering when you'd join us" Goku says as he leaves battle stance "So you knew I was here, huh? Well, it's not like I was hiding anyway, but hey, I'm sure this is all a big misunderstanding, let me explain it for you, if I were you, I wouldn't want to protect that girl, you see that-" when the Lion looking Onee-San says that, she points towards the shed, Goku instantly understand what she's trying to say, and quickly interrupts her "You're talking about that... I see... well, let me oblige you" suddenly, the door of the shed is destroyed by none other than Krillin! As he stands at the now inexistent door, terrified about the scene inside the shed, he explains "W-We were right Goku... there really are some people alive here..." Krillin says anxiously, upon seeing the scene inside the shed, Tatsumi is terrified as well, many corpses were suspended, and just as many laid dead on the floor, with a few, nearly dead people who found themselves naked and locked up in dirty cells, Tatsumi turns to Aria startled and confused "A-Aria, what's that?" In a desperate attempt to survive, Aria pleads with Tatsumi "I don't know! I never went to that place! I have nothing to do with this!" That's when a familiar face appears... much to the dismay of Aria... Ieyasu stands up with the help of Krillin "It's... True... She tortured... and killed Sayo... she invited us, and after dinner we blacked out... when we came back to our senses... we were here..." After a brief moment of silence, Aria finally snaps "Am I wrong to do so!? You're all just worthless animals from the countryside! I should be free to treat them however I want! Besides, that girl was so impertinent for having such a straight hair! While I'm here stuck with this unruly one! She should be grateful that I gave her such attention!" The Lion girl, disgusted with such behavior, countinues to explain: "The family of this household were sadistic killers, that's why we came here today... Do you understand now why we want to kill her? Akame, I think you can proceed uninterrupted now..." As the Katana wielding assassin, now revealed to be Akame starts to walk towards the girl, Tatsumi exclaims... "NO!" He then turns around and slashes Aria, killing her instantly "I had to do it myself" he proclaims Ieyasu, who's now laid down on the ground cheers as his friend finally achieved vengeance "That's Tatsumi for you!" He says with a bright smile while coughing blood, Tatsumi rushes towards his friend "Ieyasu! What's wrong?" Akame approaches them "He is in the last stages of the Lubora disease, the mistress here enjoyed putting people on drugs and writing how they were doing, he can't be saved anymore" Krillin, still uneasy about all this situation, screams "Goku! Don't you have anymore Senzu Beans?" Walking towards his friends, Goku sadly informs "Sorry... But we didn't bring any, besides, Senzu's can only cure wounds, if this is a disease, not even the Senzu's can heal him..." Ieyasu, already conformed with his fate, smiles, embracing death "Hey, Tatsumi... Sayo never gave up... So for my death, this Ieyasu here... will also keep it real" As Ieyasu's smile fades, he gives Tatsumi a thumps up, as his last farewell to his friend... Goku and Krillin stood by him, and Krillin, in the heat of the moment, says something he regrets just after.

"You know... this doesn't need to be the end, from where we come from, there are those thing..." before he can finish, Goku interrupts "KRILLIN!" But that was enough, not only Tatsumi but the two assassins had their interests picked "Wait, what is he talking about, what does he mean with 'this doesn't need to be the end'? Tell me! Please!" Tatsumi begged with tears on his eyes, Krillin looked at his best friend, who proceeds to look down for a moment, if Tien or Piccolo were here, they would probably be strongly against saying it...

But they weren't here, yet, Goku remembered something.

"I'm sorry Tatsumi, Krillin spoke up in the heat of the moment, our Senzu beans can't heal diseases, they can only heal wounds, besides, they can't revive people, and even if they did, we don't have any with us... I'm sorry..." Goku wasn't exactly against telling him about the Dragon Balls, but there were so many issues with that, how will they find the Dragon Balls? The ones from Earth were gone, and they never managed to get to Namek, and could the Namek ones even revive people who died of diseases? Goku didn't want to give Tatsumi some kind of false hope "I... I see, thanks for trying to help anyways...".

"Hey Akame, why don't we take them to the hideout? Those 3 really seems useful, and we're always short on manpower" Leone says, and then drags Tatsumi with her "Come on you two! Let's go! And don't worry Tatsumi, I'll get your friend's bodies and bring them back to the hideout later" Goku and Krillin weren't really eager to accompany those, they were assassins after all, and they didn't know much about them, still, they seemed strong, or at least stronger than most people of this world, and Goku wanted to discover more about their skills and mysterious weapons, after all, this last skirmish he had with Akame coudln't even be considered a proper fight, and that was enough to make him go, besides, it's not like Goku and Krillin never killed before. As Akame, Leone, Goku, Krillin and Tatsumi approached the other members of the Night Raid, they get immediatly alarmed "What is this? What are you two doing?" A pink haired girl shouts, clearly annoyed "We're bringing those 3 with us, they're one of us now" Leone had just finished saying that and Tatsumi already objected "What? What are you talking about?!" Goku soon followed up "Yeah, we never said we're part of you, we just agreed to follow you" Akame turns to the two, with her regular look on face "Give it up, Leone won't listen once she gets started, it's better if you just accept it" Leone smiles as she pat Akame's head "As expected of my best bud, you know me so well" Leone then turns to the member of the Night Raid who's using an armor "Hey, Bulat! I'll leave those two with you!" She pushes Tatsumi and Krillin towards him, then turns to Goku once again "I didn't get to see you fighting seriously, but from what Akame and I saw, I guess you won't be needing our advice" Bulat then picks Krillin and Tatsumi up, each in one arm, with heavy protests "What the hell are you doing? Let me go! I don't want to be an assassin!" Tatsumi shouts as he struggles against Bulat, who answers in a sweet voice "Don't worry, it'll get better" Krillin on the other hand, doesn't struggle, he just rants at Goku "How did we even got in this situation for Kami's sake? Where are they taking us!" Ignoring the two annoyed recruits, they make their way back, while following the path of strings the green haired fellow was making, jumping instead of flying, Goku wonders:

"Woah, this is crazy! How did we end up with those weirdos? Oh well, I guess it can't be helped, we should just go with the flow and continue investigating this world, we still need to find a way back home, talking about home, I really miss Chi-Chi and Gohan, I really hope they're doing well!".

Krillin on the other hand could only thing about one thing:

"There's no technology here? Oh Kami, not even a shower or TV? Oh man, now I really wish I lived with Goku in the woods...".


Hello readers! With this, we finally finished the "Kill the Martial Artists!" saga! Things are slowly but surely changing, what will become of Goku, Krillin and Tatsumi? Will they join the Night Raid? Will Goku and Krillin even manage to make their way back home? We'll see this questions answered (Or not?) in the next chapters! Also, I really hope y'all are enjoying this, if you see any mistakes, please, point it! I may have missed it, on the next chapters, our two otherwordly friends will discover more about this world, and what's happening with this country! But that's not all, soon, disaster may struck... Who knows what the future reserves for our martial artists?

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