Kill the Aliens! Part 1

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Power is truly a wonderful thing, in this world, the powerful rule over the weak.

Those who aren't powerful can only rely on money, after all, money might buy some power.

But not absolute power, no, no one can buy that, you have to earn it, strive for it, create it, fight for it...

And for those with absolute power, what is left for them? Those who have already reached the peak of strength, unrivaled by their foes, unmatched in battle, standing above everyone, what is there for them to achieve?
Everything. Yes, everything.

Those who have the absolute power are able to do anything and have everything, for the truly powerful, other didn't matter, only themselves, and the world around them, that is what the Empire believes in.

That's why the people joined the Revolutionary Army, the weak and oppressed banded together, in an attempt to defeat the "superior" Empire, together the Revolutionaries might be just powerful enough to defeat the monsters that rule the Empire, to create a New Kingdom and free the common folk from their shackles, from their overlords who oppress and butcher them as if they were animals.

But that didn't matter, not for the Empire and its ministers, not for their generals and not for Esdeath. They were blind, some with greed, some with lust, some even with delusions of honor and devotion to the Empire and the Imperial Family, others were very much comfortable with their current lives and simply couldn't care less about the poor, and then there was Esdeath. Indeed, Esdeath, for most nobles, including the Prime Minister, she was nothing short of a crazed lunatic, a relentless killer, unmatched soldier and the most bloodlusted of them all. They weren't wrong. But that wasn't everything about her, no, she was in fact a very simple minded person, since her childhood she had been raised by her father to know about one thing: power. Those powerful enough could get  anything they wanted whenever they wanted it, she experienced that early with the loss of her mother to a Super-Classs Danger Beast, despite her loss, she didn't grieve, in Esdeath's mind, her mother simply died because she was weak, and she couldn't blame anyone but herself for her weakness, "the strong live and the weak die", that's what her father told her. From an early age, Esdeath got used to killing and inflicting pain in others, she felt no guilt, it was simply natural for the weak to perish at the hands of the strong. Some say that Esdeath is ruthless on purpose, she incites rebellions, decimate populaces and persecute foreign tribes so they may revolt, and she can delight in crushing and humiliating them once again.

When she was a child, one day as she went out hunting her tribe was attacked by Danger-Beasts, it was a massacre and not a single member of her tribe survived, she arrived just in time to see her father dying in her arms. She was however unfazed, like her mother, her tribe couldn't blame anyone but themselves for being so weak. If Esdeath had any humanity remaining inside her up until that day, she had finally lost it, that day she vowed to become stronger, she wouldn't suffer the same fate as her weak parents, she would become the most powerful human alive.

And so she did, she soon joined the Imperial Military rising through the ranks rapidly and found herself receiving a Teigu, her power was now unmatched on this world... Unfortunately for her, the opponents she now faced weren't from this world.

Esdeath was panting, exhausted and injured from the fight, her bodyguards the Three Beasts laid dead in the field, having been effortlessly killed by their strange foes, she herself had been effortlessly and viciously beaten into a pulp, only staying alive thanks to her incredible durability.

"Captain" a blue, weird looking man said to another purple man. "This one appear to still be alive, what should we do with it?" he said while pointing at Esdeath.

"Hmm..." The so-called Captain walked towards his blue companion, he hadn't joined the battle, it wasn't necessary after all, his men were more than enough to deal with such pathetic rabble. "Well, this one appears to be somewhat stronger than the others, and since we've crashed in this backwater planet with no way, out we might as well have a guide, let's drag her along"

"Yes Captain!" The blue man answered, he then quickly looked down to a defeated Esdeath picking her up as if she was a trash bag "You should feel honored! You have just been given the unprecedented opportunity of becoming the official guide of the Ginyu Force! For a low-life like you, this is a position you wouldn't even achieve in your dreams!" 

Esdeath couldn't even think straight at that moment, her body on the verge of colapse, many of her bones broken and her blood vanishing at an alarming rate, her consciousness was fading by the second, yet, she couldn't help but remember what she was taught as a child 'The strong live and the weak die', whatever awaited her would only happen because of her weakness.

"Burter, stop talking to the weakling and go treat her, or else she'll die without being able to lift a finger to help us" A red man ordered, pulling Esdeath back from her thoughts.

"Why should I be the one to do that?? Why don't order Guldo to do that, he's the weakest of us!" The blue man, now revealed to be Burter, complains.

"Well, aren't you the self-proclaimed fastest in the universe? Then you're our best option here, the woman is dying, so you either find a suitable place and treat her quickly, or you'll fail with the Captain's orders" The red man says with a grin, Burter seems to frown, yet doesn't say anything, he simply leaves with the woman and proceed to follow his orders.

The future seems grim for the Empire and its people, with the strongest in the Empire defeated, what awaits everyone living there? Will Goku and Krillin prove to be a match to those strange foes? 


Hello readers, I've finally finished another chapter of the story, and as it happens, this is the first chapter of 2023, so uh, happy new year haha, anyways, I apologize for the very late release, I promise I'll try my best to publish more frequently.

Now, with that out of the way, I'll talk about the actual chapter, as some of you might've noticed, I've started to separate the dialogues as to make the reading easier and clearer, you should expect the next chapters to follow the same mold, unless you guys ask me to return to my old style, so please do let me now what you think! Did the writing get better or worse with that? I read every comment! Also, if everyone likes the change, I might go back and re-write the old chapters as to improve them (Don't worry, nothing that will alter the history or slow the release of more chapters) Thank you for reading and see ya'll!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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