Martial Artists vs Assassins Part 2

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With Akame, Bulat and Goku watching Tatsumi and Krillin positioned themselves, as soon as both indicated they were ready, Tatsumi wildly charged thrusting his sword against his opponent, Krillin, on another hand, just stood there immobile without flinching until the very moment the attack would land on him, that was when he suddenly vanished and gave a light kick on Tatsumi's back "Huh!?" Tatsumi said as he stumbled to the ground "When did you- How-" He began before Krillin interrupted him "What's the matter? I thought we were fighting, not talking" Tatsumi fell for the bait, annoyed by that remark, he quickly turned around and slashed against his opponent, who effortlessly dodged the attack by giving a simple step back, Tatsumi whoever wasn't finished yet, he followed the attack with several quick slashes, which Krillin seemed to have no trouble at all in dodging, as Tatsumi started to tire from giving the continuous slashes, Krillin saw an opening, he punched the air, stopping his hand right before it'd hit Tatsumi's body, the punch created such pressure that Tatsumi was thrown back relentlessly, only letting an "Argh!" out as he rolled in the ground, standing up, his legs trembled to keep standing, he wasn't done yet however viciously shouting a battle cry the knight used all of his remaining energy to attack his friend one more time, faster and stronger than before, Tatsumi feinted with his sword and then quickly attempted to kick Krillin's face, unfortunately for the swordsman, Krillin saw right through him, dodging the kick and landing a straight punch in his face, sending Tatsumi flying directly into a wall "Okay Okay, I think I've seen enough, lets settle it here" Krillin said quickly moving and reaching out a hand to Tatsumi "H-how strong are you?" Tatsumi asked while grabbing Krillin's hand and standing up "Well, not as strong as Goku, but certainly very strong, haha" Krillin said laughing, he was after all, the strongest human alive, at least back home that is "Well Tatsumi, while you certainly have talent - Krillin continued - you lack both technique and experience on real fights" Tatsumi nodded in agreement "Yeah, I suppose you are right, I never got into a real fight for most of my life, most of the experience I have are from the months where I came to the capital, hunting wild monsters and beasts on the way, and then the few battles we fought with the night raid" Krillin listened closely about Tatsumi's skills, this information would be necessary in order to provide Tatsumi with a property training, he gave it a thought for a moment, truthfully, he could see that while strong and precise, Tatsumi's attacks were most suited for attacking beasts with no or low intelligence who could only rely in their instincts, and instincts alone wouldn't be enough against Tatsumi, even if the beast was a little stronger than him, he could easily overcome it with his intelligence, if his opponent was a person whoever, Tatsumi would absolutely need a power advantage, someone who has received formal training could easily find opening and breaches in Tatsumi's attacks and as much as Krillin liked the boy, he had to admit Tatsumi was clearly outmatched in both power and skill by his companions from Night Raid, with an unknown threat lurking around them, who might even be the dreaded Saiyans who could match someone as strong as Goku, Tatsumi would only be a burden, and as a matter of fact, if the Saiyans were indeed here, he himself would be a burden, the simple memory of the Saiyans gave Krillin the chills.

Goku, noticing how his friend was lost in thought and seemingly distressed, decided to cover for him "Well Tatsumi, while you certainly lack experience and power, there's a positive side for what you're going through" Tatsumi then turned his attention to Goku, happy and curious as to what might be so positive by his lack of experience "Well, what is it that's so positive?" Tatsumi asked while barely containing a smile, Goku gave him a smirk  "The good thing is that it's a really simple problem, if we train you and you get in more fights, you'll become strong in no time!"


Everyone stared at Goku, that was, well, very obvious to say the least, but they didn't say anything about it, instead they just silently nodded in agreement and after a brief moment of silence Bulat spoke up "Hey Goku, with Tatsumi aside, what about me and Akame? Aren't we going to fight you?" Akame agreed and added "You can still fight us one at a time too, we know you're strong, but there's no need to show off" at this remark, Goku started laughing, much to the annoyance of both Akame and Bullat, after managing to calm himself down, Goku continued "Don't worry, I'm sure I can take you two" sure, he was still wounded thanks to the Kaioken 10x he had to use when the ship crashed, however, he still was eons ahead of everyone he met so far.

Bullat and Akame looked at each other, nodding, while a distracted Goku was still lost in thought, soon, a battle between giants was going to start!

Hello readers, just a quick note to assure you that I haven't given up on this story, and while I might take a lot of time to update chapters, I'm still writing them! Don't forget to leave any suggestions in the comments and thank you very much for reading this far! Cheers!

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