Mission Start! Part 2

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Far away, in the outer space, 5 spaceship make their way to Earth, that is, Tatsumi's Earth...

In a small village:

"Look mommy! 5 comets together! What does that mean?" A small girl, sitting at her mother's lap said happily, the mother looked towards the sky, and watched the comets fall "I don't know sweetie, we should be careful, some say that comets mean luck, and others... that the end is nigh"


"Take that Akame! We completed the mission without a single scratch!" Akame ignored Tatsumi, looking instead to Najenda and Leone "Grab him" the two girls nodded and faster than Tatsumi could react, held him rendering him immobile "W-What are you doing!?" Tatsumi screamed, trying his best to escape while Krillin only looked perplexed, trying his best to understand what was happening, after removing all Tatsumi's clothes, except for his underwear, Akame let out a smile and felt relieved "Thank God... You're ok... So many recruits lie in their first mission, and later die of a wound or poison" Both Tatsumi and Krillin were perplexed, neither of them saw this coming "Is this... really Akame? The girl who tried to kill me not so long ago?" Tatsumi thought to himself, in pure disbelief, she seemed way more welcoming and definitely not like an assassin "I'm sorry Akame... I think I judged you wrongly..." Akame continued smiling, and answered with a much happier tone than usual "Don't worry, as long as you always come back fine, I don't mind it" Tatsumi smiled back at her and cheerfully answered "Well, then I promise that I'll do my best to always come back alive!" While the two where interacting, Krillin could only think about how weird those people were, did they really have to strip Tatsumi all of a sudden? But before Krillin could express his confusion, Najenda interrupted "Well, now, Tatsumi is going to team up with Mine, and Krillin, I'd like to have a talk with you and Goku" Krillin gulped, what could it be? While Leone went out and took Tatsumi with her, teasing him non stop, Akame went out calling for Goku.

After Akame left, only Goku, Krillin and Najenda were left on the room, she was sitting in her chair, and motioned the duo to grab a seat as well, which they did, for the Otherworldly Martial Artists, those chairs seemed pretty fancy, unlike their usual wood chair, the ones present in the lookout were much more decorated, Krillin was sitting awkwardly, nervously tapping his leg, worried to what this conversation was about, he didn't really have any idea about what could be, but he felt nervous regardless, Goku on the other hand was just waiting for Najenda to start talking with his usual oblivious smile, sitting perfectly still and patiently waiting, after grabbing some papers, Najenda started talking "You two might be wondering about why I brought you here... I have a mission for you two, since as it seems, you're both really fast and can hide your presence very well, I need the two of you to complete a stealthy mission, we got reports from the Revolutionary Army that 5 comet-like things were sighted in the sky, at first they seemed far away, however they got closer and closer until they eventually fell into the ground, while like I said they were initially dismissed as comets, the Revolutionary Army decided to send some scouts just to make sure, of the 10 scouts 9 returned and reportedly didn't find the comets anywhere, the missing scout was assumed to have been ambushed by Imperial Forces, however, the Revolutionary Army once again sent a 5 man party of scouts to the same location in order to confirm the fate of the missing scout however none of them came back, they then became alarmed to what could be an secret Imperial weapon or mission Teigu and sent us an official mission, the mission is simple: Go to the designated location and find what's happening there, do your best not to be detected by the enemy and avoid any fight, only do so if extremely necessary, since you two seem to have some special abilities we don't, I'm trusting this mission to you two, do you accept?" Goku and Krillin looked to each other, nervously, 5 comet-like things? Could this be a spaceship? So, were they not alone? Who could those 5 people be? While they weren't sure it was a spaceship, they still figured it'd be for the best to go and find out "Very well, we'll do it" Goku answered with conviction "Good, here's a map of the location, go there and try to stay away from fights the best that you can" Najenda said as she gave a piece of paper to the duo, Krillin got it and they both left, departing immediately.

After gaining some distance from the base, the duo started flying at high speed, however not at full speed, as they still maintained their Ki lowered, after a few moments of an awkward silence, Krillin finally spoke up "So, Goku, do you really think they are from the same place as us?" Goku gave a simple answer "I don't have any idea, but this comet part worried me a bit, we'll soon find out right?" Krillin agreed, distracting himself a bit from the mission and looking around the area, he could see several villages, farmers, and people generally just minding their own business, it was a beautiful sight and one that he'd sure remember for a good time, it would be probably impossible for anyone from the Night Raid to see anything at such speed and height, however, it was nothing for Krillin and Goku, getting back to their current mission as they got close to their destination, Krillin reminds Goku "We should probably stop flying, if they really are from our world, they could be dangerous, and if they see us flying, they might attack us" it was a wise and careful approach, since they wanted to avoid being seen, so Goku nodded and both returned to the ground, silently making their way through the woods, it was very convenient that a forest started here, since most of the territory they had passed by were plains, where they would be easily spotted by anyone, as they finally got to their destination they saw it, they were right, unfortunately, Krillin stood there in shock as Goku approached the spaceships, sensing that nobody was around "No way... This... it's exactly like a Saiyan pod! How?!" Krillin was trembling in fear, the memory of his friends getting killed still fresh in his mind "D-didn't... V-Vegeta work for... S-someone...? So that p-probably means... they a-are from the same place as Vegeta!" Goku examined the area around them very fast before answering Krillin, who was just standing there in pure shock, after looking around he couldn't find anything, it seemed that however left the pods, made sure to leave no trail to where they were going, returning to Krillin, he finally gave his friend an answer "This definitely isn't good, I have no idea of who those guys might be, but it was a good thing we suppressed our Ki's, if we didn't, they might have had come straight towards us" Krillin nodded agreeing "Doesn't that mean that we can't raise our Ki anymore, or they'll find us with their scouts?" Goku looked down, thinking "Crapbaskets! What do we do now? We can't risk fighting those guys without even knowing who they are, and if we die here, we can forget all hopes of reviving our friends" Goku looked back at Krillin "Let's get out of here, if those guys left their pods here, they'll probably be back soon to get them, we can't risk them finding us, we'll have to make our way back by running, and most importantly, what will we tell those assassins when we get back?" Krillin thought about it for some time "Let's just say we found something extremely dangerous, that should be avoided at all costs" Goku agreed with his friend "Alright, let's go!" The two martial artists started carefully running back, making sure not to raise their Ki's too much. It seemed that the lives of our friends were about to get a whole lot harder.


Hello there readers! I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, as always, feel free to skip this part, it's only the good old author's note, well, who do you think it is those 5 mystery warriors? Tell me in the comments!

You guys probably don't have any idea of what is about to happen, but I hope y'all will enjoy! Also, sorry for not posting too much, I have quite a few important tests coming, so I beg you for forgiveness.

Starting with this chapter, the story will start getting further and further away from the Original Story, if you guys actually wanted a 100% Akame Ga Kill story with only Goku and Krillin as extras, you guys might be a little disappointed with this chapter, if you guys really want, I can make another story without introducing any DBZ villains, just the two best friends Goku and Krillin lost in the Akame Ga Kill world, this would probably be a very short story, since Goku and Krillin could just Blitz every Akame Ga Kill antagonist lol, anyways, if public support is high, I'm sure I can make something like that!

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