The Ultimate Fight!

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The moment they saw an opening, Akame and Bullat immediately jumped at the opportunity, charging at Goku, sword and lance in hand, unfortunately for them however, Goku was simply too fast even when distracted, he quickly jumped out of the way and started dodging their slashes and trusts, Akame did not relent and, coordinating with Bullat, she attempted a feign, Goku however did not fall for it and vanish from sight of both of his opponents.

"Woah, you guys really are taking these seriously, aren't you?" Goku said smirking, his voice coming from behind the Night Raid members who quickly turned to face him, "H-how did you-" Bullat couldn't even finish his sentence, Kakarot punched Bullat's stomach and sent him flying backwards, standing right next to him, Akame tried to retaliate against the Saiyan but to no avail,  her opponent was too fast, too strong, she was thrown away by a swing of Goku's arm, the two assassins were flabbergasted, they knew Goku was strong, very strong, but this was much more than what they were expecting "Say friends, why don't you go all out?" Goku exclaimed, startling both Akame and Bullat  who were a bit offended by the comment, "What do you mean?" Akame asked, "You know what I'm talking about, I can feel a strange power hidden within you, I want to fight the two of you at full power, don't hold back anymore and come at me!" Goku proclaimed with a smile on his face, in this new world, while he doesn't figure out how to go back home, he can not only help those facing strife, but also find and fight strange opponents with powers unknown to him, Goku's mind couldn't stop himself from thinking about fights, the adrenaline rush, this tense and yet calming feeling, his Saiyan blood was boiling and imploring for more, and more Goku asked of his friends "Very well, I'll wipe that smile out of your face Goku! Let's see if you can back up what you're saying with action" Bulat said angrily, trying to hide a smile, he was also enjoying this battle, not even his old Master Gensei was this strong.

Bullat charged at Goku, transforming into Incursio mid-run, he attempted to smash his lance on Goku, who blocked the attack, Akame, not holding back any longer followed Bullat closely, the 3 then started a much more intense struggle, Akame and Bullat relentlessly stroke Goku with attack after attack, who blocked each and every attack of the duo, however, the pressure grew ever higher and eventually Bullat managed to land a hit on Goku, sending him crashing towards a wall, a tired Bullat then eagerly taunted at Goku "Hahaha! What's the matter Goku?" Bullat took a moment to breath "Aren't you the all strong! Haha! You'll have to do better than that if you want to defeat the two of us!" Bullat exclaimed, while Akame stood there in position and ready to retaliate any possible attack, Goku got out of the rubble with a smile, this battle was getting more and more exciting, Goku was much stronger than them, however, he was currently lowering his Ki a lot as to not attract however came on the Pods, as such, he made a decision then and there, he wouldn't rise his Ki not even a bit anymore, he would only use so much power and defeat his sparring enemies with skill! Yes, that would make a for an excellent fight, Goku stood in his regular fighting pose without saying a word, Bullat and Akame prepared themselves to once again blitz their foes, while Krillin and Tatsumi watched in awe at this seemingly duel of titans.

Goku rushed his foes, striking a well-placed punch on Akame's face, much to her surprise, she attempted to block the attack with Murasame, however Goku was too fast and hit her before she could react, Bullat attempted to counter attack but he was kicked right in the face, followed by a combo of punches from Goku, the combo was only cut short by Akame's sword slash against Kakarot, who dodged it last minute and quickly swung his arm into the assassin stomach, sending her flying away, he then followed the attack with a finishing blow "KAME-" the Martial Artist said as a blue energy charged up on his hands, everyone, except for Krillin looked on in shock, wondering about what was going to happen "HAME", the energy became more intense, and the power seemed overwhelming at least for those not familiar with the Kamehameha, this was after all, a fairly weak version of it, Goku didn't want to attract unwanted attention from whoever came from space, and neither did he want to cause any serious damage to Akame, what he wanted to do by showing the Kamehameha was to expand his companions horizons and show how much more the world had to offer in terms of power, and that he accomplished with majesty "HAAAAAAA!" Goku screamed and launched the attack, Akame taken aback for a moment (Perhaps for one of the first times in the middle of a battle) quickly regained her posture and attempted to block the attack with her legendary katana, but alas, it was too much, she was crushed by the immense pressure and power of the attack, and after it was over, Akame was kneeling on the ground.

"What immense power" was the only thing everyone could think at that moment, they knew Goku was holding back, everyone could see it, even Tatsumi, the fact that Akame nearly uninjured was proof enough, Bullat and Akame slowly stood up, coming back to their senses, Akame was the first one to speak "We yield, you won" Bullat didn't complain, he only nodded in agreement, they were leagues behind Goku, and they haven't even see his full power, Goku however only smiled "You guys are crazy strong, really, and I think we can get even stronger together!" Bullat smiled, "It's really good to have you on our side, haha! If we were foes I think the Revolution might've been doomed!" Akame gave a slight nod in agreement to Bullat, "Well guys, thanks for the training, but I think we should have some rest now, everyone needs time to understand what happened today and see what they can improve, right?" The Saiyan said and everyone nodded, it was a big day for everyone, much had been learned today, and it was time to rest on it.

And so, everyone made their way, some to the kitchen, others to the baths, and others simply wanted to meditate on their training, but it was a great day nonetheless, everyone learned a lot, and the Night Raid grew more powerful by the minute.

Hello readers! I hope everyone is doing fine! Here is the next chapter and I hope everyone enjoyed it, and please do let me know of your opinions and feedback!

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