Kill the Martial Artists! Part 2

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"So, where are you two from?" Tatsumi asks his new comrades "From the countryside?" He completes "Well" Krillin starts "Kinda, yes, we are from very far away, I don't think you ever heard of our home" this picks Tatsumi interest, but before he can say anything, Goku follows up "Yeah! It's pretty far, and our houses are even more so, I live in the woods, away from any villages, and Krillin lives in an isolated island, with our master" That really caught Tatsumi's attention, after all, he was only a country boy, this was the first time he ever left his village, everything was new for him and everyone was a stranger, it was such a big world, Tatsumi wondered if this things were common, did all martial artists live isolated? Who knows? While having this brainstorm, his attention is once again diverted to something different, something bigger.

"We... WE ARRIVED! THE IMPERIAL CAPITAL!" Tatsumi exclaimed, the three warriors were surprised, while Tatsumi was in awe, impressed on how big the Capital was, what caught Goku's and Krillin's attention was something else, the Kis, yes "What is this?" Goku thought to himself "So many evil Ki, what is wrong with this place?" Despite that, the two Martial Artists decided not to say anything, instead, they just went along, walking through the streets, the three outsiders really looked like, well, outsiders, with Tatsumi oblivious to the corruption around him, just impressed by mere constructions and power "This place is huge! I'm sure we'll be able to make a lot of money here! Let's go, I wanna enlist myself as fast as possible" Tatsumi told his friends, walking around until they found one of the Imperial Recruit Centers, upon entering, the warriors notice that the place is quite lively and with a lot of people, even more than expected, after waiting on the line, and a argue between Tatsumaki and the recruiter, they are kicked out of the place, well, Tatsumi was kicked out, Goku and Krillin just left.

"So, what now bud? You going to give up enlisting?" Krillin asked, "No way! There still must be a way to get into the army and raise into the ranks fast, we just don't know the Capital very well, if we talk and look around, we will figure something out" Tatsumi just finished talking, when a strange, but very well looking woman appeared "Hey there lads, you seem a bit troubled, should this Onee-San here land you a hand~?" While Goku just turned his attention towards her, both Tatsumi and Krillin were surprised by the beauty (And Boobs) of the woman "So this is the Capital!" Tatsumi thought to himself, while the two were perplexed by the boobs- I mean, by the beauty of this mysterious stranger, Goku replied to her "Wait, are you my sister too? No way! my siblings seem to just appear out of thin air!" While the stranger didn't understand, she simply laughed it off "Haha, Yes, and your Onee-San here wants to help you! The three of you look like young lads from the country who came to the Capital searching for adventure, right?" The woman said with confidence and a bright smile "Close enough, Tatsumi here wants that, me and my friend Krillin are just exploring the country" Goku said, while Tatsumi and Krillin finally snapped, turning their attention towards the ongoing conversation "Well, then I have some good news for your friend, I know a good way to get yourself commissioned" Tatsumi immediately replied to that, with a big and enthusiastic "REALLY!? HOW!?" Onee-san's smile widened, making the friendliest face she could, she answered "You wanna know? Threat Onee-San to a meal~".

In the bar, the "kind" Onee-San was drinking "Ah, Alcohol in the daytime hits the spot!" Tatsumi was already getting impatient, while Krillin tried to control Goku, so he wouldn't eat too much and alarm other people, as well as not to bankrupt Tatsumi, since he was the one paying "You're drinking without much regard for me" Tatsumi says, for which Onee-San replies "Just drink lad, let's have some fun" Tatsumi wasn't interested in any of this, he just wanted to get into the army "Just tell me how I can get commissioned already" It was time, she enjoyed the meal and the drink, she wanted to spend some more time with this three strangers, but since the youngest one was in such a hurry, she didn't have other choice "Oh~ That's basically, connections and cash" Cash, she grinned, this poor boy was about to lose all of his, but it was for a good cause, perhaps with this, he would learn not to trust anyone "I have a contact in the army, if you show him some money, he can raise your ranks" Tatsumi fell for it, he didn't doubt her words for a second, such a lovely and kind lady, the though of being deceived didn't even cross his mind "IS THIS ENOUGH?!?!" He shouted, putting a large bag of coins on the table, much to Onee-San's surprise "Oh! That is going to be more than enough!" She stood up, getting the bag of coins and leaving "I'll be back in a moment! And then you'll be joining the army"

Tatsumi waited, and waited, and waited a little while longer, but to no avail, the woman left with his money "We're about to close boy, you should leave now" Tatsumi turned to the waiter, he wasn't paying attention, he was almost sleeping in his chair "Huh? I'm waiting for someone, she should be here soon" Krillin felt bad "I think you were scammed bro, she left with your money and won't come back" the waiter agreed "Yes, you were most definitely deceived into given your money to her, I saw the whole scene"

"DAMN IT! I USED MY LAST BIT OF MONEY TO PAY FOR THE BILL!" Tatsumi cried out loud, still cursing himself for falling for such a cheap trick "Don't worry man" Krillin said "We can sleep on the streets today, and tomorrow we can go hunt for some monsters and get more money!" He completed, Tatsumi thought about it for a while and have a small smile "Yeah, you're right, we'll get some money tomorrow for sure" as he said that, two tugs passed by, they didn't bother the group, as for them, both Goku and Krillin gave out an intimidating aura, after walking for a while, they found a nice spot, and decided to stay there for the night, when suddenly, a glorious looking carriage appeared, what could it be?


Hello readers! Sorry for the wait, I hope you liked this chapter, as always, leave any thoughts or suggestions on the comments, this story was actually about 90% ready for a long time, but an unfortunate series of events, added to my procrastination led me to just finish the chapter today! My bad guys, sorry!

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