Kill the Martial Artists! Part 1

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Aight guys, this chapter will be longer than the last one, since, officially, this is the first chapter of the crossover, the last one is more of a prologue, anyways, good read!

Son Goku, alongside his best friend Krillin started the take off, despite Bulma's best efforts, she was finally convinced not to come by Goku, her childhood friend, he claimed it was too dangerous, and who knows what they could find in Namek? Kami might be a good guy, but King Piccolo wasn't, imagine a planet full of King Piccolos? This gave Bulma chills, and she agreed in staying while Goku and Krillin took the Dragon radar and went onwards, towards Namek!

"Hey Goku..." Krillin called. "You don't really think there are a lot of King Piccolos there right?" Krillin looked a bit concerned, but inside, he almost gave up going in the trip when Goku said that, Goku's answer was simple "Nah, don't worry, I just said that to convince Bulma not to come, King Kai already told me the Namekians are peaceful" Krillin was relived, he gave a smile and said "Well then, nothing to worry about this trip! The spaceship is on autopilot, and the destination is pacific!" Krillin said letting out his classic laughter, but Goku intervened "Well, I wouldn't call it..." Before Goku could end, a giant flash of light surprised them, it seemed... "A Wormhole!" They exclaimed together "...What is a wormhole again?" Goku continued, freaked out, but still maintaining somewhat his composure, while Krillin was already panicking "THAT'S A WORMHOLE GOKU, THAT'S A WORMHOLE!"

But it was too late...

A wormhole? A portal? A inter-dimensional portal? A What-if-hole? Whatever it was, it was too close to their spaceship, as soon as the two heroes realized the giant space object, they were already being pushed into it...

BUT! Luckily for them, despite their spaceship not being made to support a trans-dimensional travel, it survived, critically damaged, but still maintaining the void of space away from its two crewmates.

"G-Goku! I think we're falling!" Krillin screamed out, in clear desperation, the only thing in his mind right now, was not only that both of them already died once, but also that there were no Dragon Balls on Earth. "Krillin, don't worry, I think I see a planet down there, raise your Ki and brace yourself!" Goku said while already raising his Ki to the max, Krillin followed up, but... Would Krillin survive? Goku didn't think so... Krillin power wasn't high enough for him to survive such crash...
"KAIOKEN TIMES 10!" Goku screamed, with Krillin not understanding what his friend was trying to do, he didn't even had time to think about it, Goku already followed up his first scream with a second "BARRIER!" A red, spheric-like barrier appeared around the two martial artists just before the impact.

In the end, they both survived, but Goku was very injured, Kaioken x10 is the Max his body could survive with his current power level of 14.000, but it's toll was also the heaviest, plus, using a barrier with it just made things harder, Goku would survive, but with no Senzu beans and in a strange land, it would take some time for Goku to heal up, Krillin on the other hand was completely fine, the barrier not only managed to save his life, but to completely block any injury
"T-Thanks Goku... I think you might've saved my life..." Krillin said timidly, while panting from the stress, Goku just gave his usual smile, along with a thumbs up. Krillin continued "We should get outta here, I think I sense some Ki this way, can you still walk Goku?" for which Goku happily replied, still smiling to his friend "Walk? I can fly! Let's go Krillin!" Goku ran towards the Ki and jumped into the air, exclaiming "Last one to get there marries Kame-Sennin!" Trying to improve Krillin's mood, and it worked! Krillin gave a small smile and followed up "Not fair Goku! Not fair!"  Both Krillin and Goku, despite all their problems, where still happy, they might be stranded in a strange planet, yes, but they still had each other, their brothers.

After flying for some time, they finally reached a small caravan, under attack of a monster, a dangerous beast, that is, but they didn't know that yet, Krillin and Goku looked at each other, they already knew what to do, years of training and fighting together improved their coordination to a max, Krillin immediately raised his hand, yelling "Kienzan!" His signature move, throwing it at the beast, immediately killing it, the villagers were impressed! Those strangers could, not only fly, but kill a dangerous beast with one attack! "Thank you, sires! Thank you! You two probably saved our lives! Please take this money, it's not much, but it's all we can offer you now!" Goku was going to refuse it, but Krillin telepathically remembered Goku that they were stranded without any money and proceeded to accept it "Thanks guys, it's no big deal really"  suddenly, other person appeared "WOAH!" The Swordsman yelled "You two killed this dangerous beast with only one attack!?" The boy continued, with the villagers confirming it "Yes! The two sires here killed this beast like it was nothing!" The boy was genuinely impressed "Are you two going to the capital too? To earn fortune and fame!?" The young Swordsman said, trying to initiate a conversation with the strong warriors "Yeah! That's it" Krillin answered "I dunno about the fame and fortune, but we're going to the capital yes!" Goku only nodded in agreement, trusting his friend judgment, in Krillin's eyes, this was something, this "Capital" may have some answers to where they are, and how to return home, besides, they don't know anywhere, so this is the only place they can go.

The villagers looked to each other, concerned "So you are all going to the Capital? I must warn you, the Imperial Capital... It's not the dreamy place you think it is... It's lively, but there are a lot of monsters, more vicious than this Earth Dragon" Goku and Krillin payed close attention to what the villagers said, an Empire, so that's where they were, while Tatsumi contested "What's with that, are you saying risk species appear in town or something?" "People..." the villagers coldly and directly answered "They're people, but their hearths are monsters... It's full of guys like that..." the villagers finally concluded, and Tatsumi replied "We're thankful for the words of advice, but I think they'll agree with me when I say that we can't back down now... I'm sure they have something to do there, just like me" Goku nodded and said "Yes, we all have things to do, but we'll be careful, thank you!" With that, the villagers and the Three Warriors continued their paths, what adventures will they find in the Imperial Capital? Find out in the next chapter!

Hello guys! Thanks for reading this story!
Official release date 11/03/2020

Finally, Tatsumi, Krillin and Goku crossed paths! What do you think will happen next chapter? How will they interact with each other? Leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments! Don't hesitate in leave some feedback, what do you think that I can improve? Found any grammatical mistake? Please tell me! Also, feel free to make any questions you like! And consider voting if you liked the story!
Also, a little Bonus:
Power levels:
Goku 14.000
Goku (Injured after using Kaioken x10 and barrier): 5.000
Krillin: 2.000
Tatsumi: 280
Obviously, Tatsumi should be much weaker, but if were to power scale the members of Night Raid correctly, they wouldn't stand a chance against Goku (After all, Goku can destroy the entire planet if he wishes to do so)

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