Mission Start! Part 1

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The last few days had been calm ones, Goku and Krillin were beginning to adapt living in this new world, it didn't seem so bad, still, they had to leave this place soon, their friends needed them, but, how could they? When they had breaks, they would discuss about that, while neither of them knew much about physics and science they were pretty sure that it'd be, at best, extremely difficult to repair their spaceship, if not impossible, and even then, would the wormhole be there? In the middle of the chaos that ensued before they crashed, they saw for an instant that the wormhole seemingly disappeared, while they couldn't be sure if they really saw that, sooner or later they'd have to search for the truth, for now, their biggest and foremost priority was repairing their spaceship, and helping the people of the Empire.

Tatsumi was training right now just like he had been doing for the last few days, his training with Akame was going well, but he mostly trained with Krillin right now, even Akame would often train with them, at the start, Tatsumi and Krillin had to hunt and cook, and they weren't really happy about that, but lately they were mostly doing 'real' training, "Woah... You're no joke Krillin... You're really strong" Tatsumi said panting, he could barely follow Krillin's movements "Hah, Thanks buddy, you're really good too! And you're improving fast, keep it up like that and you'll be strong as me in no time!" Krillin was obviously holding back, a lot, he and Goku didn't want to alarm everyone with their power, but still used enough power to seem very strong for this world standards, Akame had been watching them silently, only occasionally correcting Tatsumi's stances and attacks "That's enough for today, the boss called us, it seems you two will be getting your first mission" Akame said without much emotion and left, gesturing them to follow her, despite Akame's cold behavior towards them, Tatsumi seemed really eager for his first mission "Finally Krillin! Our first mission! Aren't you looking forward to do it?" Krillin didn't really care about it "Nah, I think it will be a simple thing, this girl probably think we're still useless, well, she'll be very impressed pretty soon, but still, we gotta take this seriously" Tatsumi nodded, walking besides Krillin.

Najenda welcomed the duo "Hello there recruits, Akame told me you're doing well, specially you Krillin" Najenda said looking towards him "However, we'll put your strength to the test, we got a mission, Leone will give you the details" Najenda turned to Leone, who started talking "Our target is Ogre, an officer from the Capital's Garrison, and an Oil dealer named Gammal, after hearing the client and checking the information, I found out that Ogre has been accepting large sums of money from Gamal, and in turn he covers up all his crimes, framing other people instead, our client's fiancé was one of the unfortunate framed people and was executed, we received money in order to kill them both and stop them once and for all" Leone said, getting angrier as she spoke "I could smell a venereal disease on her, she probably made this money... by selling her body..." Krillin couldn't stay silent anymore and spoke before Najenda could say anything "This... This is disgusting! We need to bring those two down!" Najenda was somewhat impressed "Very well, if you're so eager to fight, I'll assign you and Tatsumi to kill Ogre, and Akame and Leone to kill Gamal, in this paper, you'll have the details about Ogre's routine and localization" Akame immediately protested "Commander, while Krillin is a formidable fighter, Tatsumi isn't ready yet" This surprised Najenda and Leone a lot, they were extremely astonished with Akame commending Krillin's ability, it seemed like Night Raid really hit a jackpot by recruiting Goku and Krillin, but before Najenda could reply, Krillin did first "Don't worry, Tatsumi will be just fine".

"Well boys, if you follow this path, you'll reach main street, but first... I'll tell you something about Akame's past..." Krillin and Tatsumi were kinda surprised, why did she suddenly brought this up? They listened regardless "When she was just a kid, she was sold to the empire along with her sister, and was put under an intense training in order to become one of the best assassins in the Empire, that brutal training made her able to withstand the most extreme conditions and fight the toughest battles" then, Krillin interrupted Leone before she could continue "Wait, if she was a part of the Empire, why is she with the Night Raid?" Leone smirked "I was about to explain that, I'd you hadn't interrupted me" Krillin was kinda embarrassed "Haha... Sorry..." Leone proceeded "Well, continuing the story, as she followed the Empire's every order, she started to see through the lies of the Empire and its corruption, as she and her comrades completed their missions, it seems that all of them died, except for Akame... after that on a mission to target our boss, she was persuaded to join us instead"  Krillin in special was extremely distressed, he remembered all of his friends who died during the Saiyan attack, he didn't think much about that, after all, he and Goku were on their way to revive them, but now? His friends were dead, for good... Yamcha, Tien and Chiaotzu, even Piccolo... they were gone. This however got the attention of both Leone and Tatsumi "What's wrong Krillin?" Leone said, bringing back Krillin to his senses "It's nothing, don't worry, let's just kill that bastard!" He cheered, followed up by Tatsumi, Leone shakes her head "You two didn't understand what I meant, did you? Oh well, you'll find out about that after you return" the two warriors leave Leone behind and walk towards the Main Street.

The two warriors finally find Ogre, walking around the place with an air of superiority, thinking himself to be better than everyone else "Umm, excuse me Mr. Ogre, there's something I wish to speak to you" Tatsumi says "In private" Krillin completes "Very well, follow me" Ogre leads them into an empty alley "Now, spit it out, what is it" Tatsumi gets on his knees and begs Ogre "Please, I help me join the army!" Ogre laughs it off "Yeah... I thought it was something like that... Just use the conventional method, conscription" Ogre turns around and goes away, however, before he can react, Tatsumi slashes his sword against him "This boy... How can he be so fast?" Krillin smiles "Nice work Tatsumi, with just a few days of training, you got considerably faster"Tatsumi turns to Krillin smiling back "That's all thanks to your training Master Krillin" Krillin was flattered, but before he could reply, Ogre stood up and was ready to slash back against Tatsumi, however before his sword could reach him, Krillin appear between them and blocks the attack with his bare hands, shattering the sword "Tatsumi, never give your back to your enemies, stand ready until you made sure your opponent is defeated" Ogre was terrified, how could this small baldie be so strong?! Before anyone could say anything, Krillin followed up with a punch that smashed through Ogre, killing him instantly "I'm sorry Krillin, I got a bit distracted..." Tatsumi said looking down "Don't worry" Krillin smiled "Just don't make this mistake again, or else you may die" .

The proud duo disappeared in the enormous Capital, running as shadows back to Night Raid's Headquarters.

Looks like things are going pretty well to Night Raid, with two new powerful recruits, however, danger was lurking though the shadows, and nobody, not even the Saiyan raised on Earth, Son Goku, could see what was coming for them.

Hello there readers, I'm sorry for taking so long to update the story, I'll try my best not to abandon this, even if I take a long time to update, I also hope you guys are enjoying the story, as always, feel free to give any suggestions and feedback.

Now, what do you think that is "the danger lurking through the shadows"?

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