Chapter 3: The Room

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I walk into this room which is obviously Ron's.

There's Griffindor posters and flags spread out around his room, along with quidditch memorabilia, and many pictures of him and his friends spread out across his room.

One really stuck out to me, it was a photo of him, a curly haired girl, and a boy who looked strangely familiar. He was holding the golden snitch and it was flying out of his his hand as they all laughed. I keep looking at the photo, I even pick it up off of Ron's night stand and he notices.

"Those are my best friends, I don't know how I could've survived Hogwarts without them." He explains "That's Hermione, the girl that's coming with my sister Ginny tomorrow."

"Who's he? How do I know him?" I ask curiously.
"Oh that's my best mate Harry."

"Harry.... Harry... Har- HARRY POTTER! As in the boy who lived? The one who defeated Voldemort?" I yell excitedly.

"Yes, yes Harry Potter!" Ron replies. "Sometimes I forget he's so famous." After a while of me freaking out about Harry we hear Mrs.Weasley yell,


"OK MUM!" Ron replies.
"I think I'm gonna jump in the shower before we eat dinner," I tell Ron.

"Okay that's fine, but just so you know, we all share one bathroom so I'm sorry if one of the boys accidentally walks in on you." He says

"Ok, thanks for the warning," I take what I need and start walking out of the room.

"Hey by they way," I hear as I'm walking out, I turn around. "I like your accent," Ron giggles

"I don't have an accent you have an accent," I reply also giggling.

No, you're on my ground now, you're the one with the accent."

"Okay, okay," I say as I walk out of his room and into the bathroom. Wow I've never felt this way, not with Liam, not with anyone. It's as if I can tell him anything, as if I trust him, and I've only known him for like an hour.

Throughout my entire shower I couldn't stop thinking about Ron and his amazing smile. I got ready for dinner and then realized I had forgotten my hairbrush in Ron's room so I walked back. Once I walked in I saw a roll out bed next to Ron's with a note on it. The note read

"Here's your mattress for tonight, good luck little brothers ;)"

I was confused but didn't think anything of it, I put the note back on the bed. I brushed my hair and headed down to dinner, I was starving.

I know this is a really long lead in to the actual love story but I thought it'd be cute to include all of the cute details on how Ron and y/n met. Hope you're liking what you're reading!

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