Chapter 16: New York, New York!

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"What's this place? Starbucks... is it any good??" Ron asks me.

I giggle, "it's a coffee shop baby I don't think you'll want anything to eat in there."

"Damn, I'm hungryyyyy" he whines, "we've been walking for so looonnngg."

"Ron, we've been walking for 5 minutes to find you food." I laugh, come on how about this Diner, they look good.

"What's a diner?" Ron asks me.

"Come in, you'll see." I drag him inside.

The sign says 'seat yourself and a waiter will be with you soon' we do so.

"Welcome to MJ's I'm Elina can I start you off with any drinks?" I women approaches us.

"Yeah um can we get two diet Coke's and two waters please, thanks."

"Alright I'll have that right out for you in a second." She turns and walks away.

"Y/n!" Ron whisper screams. "What's a Diet Coke!?"

I laugh at him "right, I forgot you've never been around muggles for this long. A Diet Coke is a CocaCola with no calories."

"Y/n!" He says again, "what's a CocaCola??"

"Its a type of soda, you'll like it I promise!" I giggle

"Oh okay good,"

"Now look at the menu pick something to eat." I say

"I'd the cheeseburger good? That's the same as the wizarding world right?"

"Yes Ron is it but I'm not sure if it tastes the same I've never been here. But I promise I'll switch with you if you don't like it." I give him a soft smile.

"Alright two diet cokes and two waters, are you guys ready to order?" She asks us

"Yes we are!" I exclaim.

Ron begins, "I'll have the cheeseburger please," Ron says

"Oh I love your accent where are you from?" She asks.

"Well I-" Ron starts

"-HE's from London!" I interrupt quickly not knowing where Ron would say."

"Oh how wonderful!" She says to him. "Now what are you having girly?" She asks me.

"I'll have the grilled cheese and tomato soup." I say

"Oh no you don't, that soup is pretty horrible. If you want something cheesy I'd say get the Mac and cheese with the side. It's much better I promise."

"Alright I'll have the Mac and cheese with green beans."

"Will that be all?" She asks.

"Yes thank you Elina." Ron says handing her the menu.

After a few minutes we got our food.

Ron takes his first bite "wow! This is delicious!" He exclaims.

"You like it?" I ask.

"Of course, it's amazing! And this Diet Coke, I've never had anything like it it's wonderful! You really have good taste y/n"

"Yeah not only in food" I wink at him.

We finish our food and begin walking around the city. We went into some different stores.

Ron gasps "A PEN! I thought these were only in the movies!"

"No love, their real" I laugh. "Do you think Arthur do you think he'll like it?"

"Definitely!" Ron says. He finds a black one with a silver A on it and takes it for Arthur.

"What if we got your mom a snow globe!" I explained. "One like this." I picked up a snow globe with a little heart in it that read 'family'.

"That's perfect y/n! You're great at this!"

"I've had years of experience with buying muggle gifts for wizards."

We picked out Ginny a little bracelet with a broom charm. We got the boys silly string, Percy a notebook with a map of New York, Hermione a book on the History of New York's Black History. We got charlie a dragon figurine and bill these cool glowing marbles. Harry asked us not to get him anything because he has too many muggle things anyway.

We bought everything and headed towards the city.

The rest of the day was spent walking through Central Park and even meeting some kids about our age and spending a few hours with them.

This kept me entertained because there were a lot of muggle things that Ron didn't understand that he had to figure out.

We took a horse carriage ride around Central Park, we tipped the guy more and went around a few more times than we should've.

We then went on to Times Square and I'm pretty sure Ron didn't want to leave. He was in awe.

"This place is so cool! Why can't we have stuff like this in the wizarding world?"

"Maybe we do, we just gotta find it!" I reply

After Ron finally let us leave Times Square we went to broadway.

"Why didn't we get Broadway tickets?!" Ron asks me sadly.

"Well you have to but then really far in advance and this trip was on the fly so we really couldn't."

After taking a ferry to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis island the two of us were exhausted and ready to go home.

"Honestly, I don't want to go back home, this place is so cool. We should move here when we're married and settling down!" Ron says

"You want to move out of the wizarding world? Really?"

"No, the two of us just have to find a place like this in the wizarding world."

"Wait, you think about our future?" I ask him.

"Oh course I do! It's where we're heading! We'll have a few kids, you'll be a professor, I'll be doing who knows what. It'll be perfect."

Wow. I didn't think Ron thought about this kind of stuff. I was shocked.

He put his arm around me as we walked to a restaurant where we had dinner. He had a steak with mashed potato's and peas, he didn't eat the peas of course, and I had chicken with mashed potato's and broccoli.

After dinner we decided to head home. But of course we had to stop for Joe's before we left for Gran.

The commute home was exhausting. But after a long day, a hot shower and a goodnight sleep with the love of my life next to me was all I wanted.

So right when we got home I showered and then Ron did and we went straight to sleep.

I made sure I grabbed his R sweater Molly knit because it was my favorite and knowing how much Molly cared made me happy. I was half asleep with Ron walked in and got changed.

"Of course she took my favorite jumper! Typical!" He giggled, I smiled.

He crawled in bed next to me and said

"Goodnight my love, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." And kissed me in the forehead. Soon his snores woke me up as they filled the room.

I pushed his face over and he stopped snoring. I fell fast asleep again. I'm so happy this is my life.

Tomorrow's our last day in the muggle world. We'll see what adventures come after that.


I thought this chapter was a really cute chapter for Ron to be able to experience so many new things. I love imagining him as a tourist it's adorable to me.

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