Chapter 21: The Best Wizarding School

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"Welcome to Illvermorny!" I say to Ron.

"Wow this place is beautiful!" He exclaims.

"It's the best wizarding school in the world." Oliver says.

"I don't know Ollie Hogwarts is pretty great." Ron says back. Oliver smirks.

"Ok Ollie, meet us in the great hall around 7:30 tonight so we have enough time to get home. We'll take a portkey but that'll only take us half way, we'll have to ride the bus the rest of the way."

"Ok, 7:30, got it!" He said entering the school and leaving us behind.

"Y/n I'm getting kind of hungry is there anywhere we can have dinner?" I check my watch,

"Um, sure the dining hall should be open, why don't we head over there?"

We begin to walk towards the great hall. "So what's the deal with this school, tell me about it." Ron says.

"Well we have 4 houses just like hogwarts but ours are told to represent the whole witch or wizard. Horned Serpent being the mind, the body being Wampus, the heart being Pukwudgie, and Thunderbird being the soul. It's also told that each house has a purpose, Horned Serpent being scholars, Wampus being warriors, Pukwudgie being healers and Thunderbird being adventurers."

"So which house is the great y/n y/m/n y/l/n?"

"I'm a Pukwudgie, which is about the equivalent to a Hufflepuff. They're both loyal, and friendly, and even patient. Which is why I think I'll be a Hufflepuff at Hogwarts."

"I hope you're a Gryffindor so that you could room with Hermione and Ginny so you're not alone." He says as we find an empty table at the dining hall to sit down at.

" I can always make friends Ron, but they'll never be better than my first friends, you guys."

"Y/N!" I hear someone yell behind me as I fill my plate with food. I turn around to see Natalia running towards the table.

"Y/n I thought you moved away!" She exclaims.

"I did but I'm in town with Chloe for a few days, I'm actually showing my boyfriend around."

"Oh so that's who this hot chunk of meat is." I'm Natalie, nice to meet you." She says putting her hand out

"Ron Weasley, nice to meet you too" he replies standing up and putting his hand out.

"So why aren't you at home with your mom Natalie?" I ask.

"Well quidditch tryouts are tomorrow so pretty much all of the quidditch teams are here for the weekend." She explains.

"Oh no, that means Liam and Chris are here right?" I ask.

"Yeah, Chris got here this morning, Liams been here since last night"

"I could kill that boy!" Ron yells.

"What? Did you guys meet somewhere?"

"Yeah, on the muggle train on our way into New York. He said some things to Ron about how I was a slut and that I'd never love him. Ron beat him up a bit and we ran off. I had a panic attack and told Ron everything."

"Oh, I'm so sorry y/n, I'll make sure he stays away for you for the day. And if you do see him, Ron's got your back. Well I've got to run I'm meeting a few girls to practice but we miss you y/n and we hope you visit soon again. Nice to meet you Ron." She says rushing away.

"Nice meeting you too Natalie," Ron says as she runs away.

"Bloody hell y/n you know like the whole school!"

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