Chapter 18: Who knew this was so good?

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SMUT WARNING hehe get ready

As we kiss I put my arms around his neck. Ron grabs my legs pulling me up carrying me to the kitchen island.

He rips his sweater off of me.

"Did you really have to wear the sweater my mum made me for this?" He says as he unbottons the two buttons from his shirt.

I giggle and begin to kiss his neck.

"I need you now y/n I can't wait any longer. Do you want to go upstairs and find our room?"

Before I can even answer he carries me like a bride up the stairs.

"Nope that Chloe's room!" I exclaim as he turns around and heads towards the guest bedroom across the long hallway, slipping on the marble floor.

He sets me on the bed, turns around and begins to unbutton his jeans.

"Why did you turn around, it's not anything I haven't seen before" I chuckle.

He smiles, "haha you're right." He turns back around and finishes buttoning his pants. I could tell he was about to push me back to take my pants off my I grabbed his hands.

"I wanna help you a little bit first." I say grabbing his 8 inches and begin to stroke as he lets out a quiet moan.

I stroke faster kissing the tip. I begin to lick it from end to end teasing Ron.

"Come on baby, suck it for me." Ron moans pulling my hair back with my hair tie which was on his wrist. But he doesn't let go of my hair.

I slowly suck on the tip, going further and further in with every stroke. Ron begins to moan loader.

I suck faster and faster until he finally finishes for the first time.

"You're turn baby girl." He says pushing me down into the bed.

He grabs my legs and brings each one to the side opening up exactly what he wanted. He pulls down my leggings exposing my light blue thong. He begins to stroke my pussy lightly on top of my long.

After a few minutes a couldn't take it anymore. "Pull them down!" I insist.

"Beg for it babygirl let me know what you want." Ron says speeding up his teasing.

"Please Ron! Take them off!" I moan.

"Good girl"

He pulls them off bringing out my wet pussy.

"Wow, all that for me and I've barley started," he smirks.

He begins to stroke my clit with one finger. He takes his tongue and caresses it in circles around my opening. He begins to do both faster teasing me more and more.

"Oh please Ron, I'm begging you!"

He sticks one finger in, circling it inside of me. Soon he sticks another in with ease. I moan in delight. He finds my g spot, stroking that as he sucks on my clit.

He keeps going faster and faster, I didn't think he'd stop anytime soon.

"Oh Ron I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." I moan

He begins going even faster. "Wait for my count down. Ready?

I moan in agreement.




I yell his name as he sticks his tip inside me.

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