Chapter 6: Unexpected date

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"I don't understand how all of Molly's food is so amazing." I say to my sister who was sitting next to me enjoying her Sandwich and Pumpkin Juice. Well, I'm not exactly sure if she was enjoying it, she scarfed it down pretty fast.

"Thank you dear, my secret ingredient is love, and magic of course." She smiles and winks at me and Riley. Once we finish our food we hear Ginny come up behind us and say,

"Hey y/n, Riley, can I talk to you guys?"

"Um,sure" Riley replies "

What's up?" I add

"Not here", she looks at the twins and Ron who are standing in the kitchen eating half a chocolate cake they found in the fridge. "Let's go up to my room."

We follow her up to her room

"What's this about?" I ask Riley.

"I have no idea,' she answers. Once we get to Ginny's room we sit in her bed but before she says anything Hermione sprints in,

"WHAT DID I MISS" she yells.

"Shhhh be quiet don't let the boys hear you!" Ginny snaps. "Nothings happened yet I was just about to start talking," She continues. "Ok I overheard the boys talking and I'm pretty sure that George and Ron are going to ask you guys on a double date for tonight."

"Finally they got some grew a pair! Ron hasn't stopped talking about you since this morning! When he came down for breakfast you were the topic, he's very very fond of you." Hermione explains

"Hermione I've never heard you talk like that!"Ginny replies.

"Well I'm sick of him taking and not doing. He's never been obsessed with someone like this," I laugh as Hermione finishes her sentence.

I heard a knock on the door, I turn around and standing there is Ron.

"Um.... do you mind if a borrow y/n for a second?" He asks. The room fills with ooooos from the girls as I walk out. "y/n can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, anything," I reply with a smile knowing exactly what he'll say next.

"So I know we haven't known each other very long, but right as I met you I felt a strong connection between us, and um... I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date, to Hogsmeade with me?" The smile on my face gets even bigger,

"Of course I will Ron."

"Really? You will? That's wonderful!" He picks me up in a big hug and spins me around. Once he puts me down I add

"But on one condition, we should take George and Riley with us."

"Oh great, who told you?" He asks

"I have no idea what you're talking about..."

"Y/n l/n who told you?" He asks again, this time squeezing my hand. I sigh,


" I knew it! I thought she overheard us but I wasn't sure. Of course they're coming I need to help my brother get his girl too, now that I've got mine."

Wait... did he just call me his girl? What does that mean? What should I think it means? Ok stop overrating, just breath and smile.

"We're leaving at 5 so be ready by then" he smiles squeezes my hand a final time and walks away leaving me alone in the hallway.

I check my watch, 4:10, that should give me enough time to get ready, but what do I wear? I walk back into Ginnys room with the biggest grin on my face.

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