Chapter 25: I'll miss this

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I bring Ron up to my room. I'm 100% we're both hammered but I didn't care, we were practically alone in the house and I needed him, right there. I press my face against his kissing him.

He pushes me onto the bed and I rip off my shirt. We hear moaning from the other room.

"Oh yes George!"

Ron and I burst out laughing, the moaning stops. I think they heard us,
"I'm using that against him tomorrow," Ron laughs.

"Yeah I'm using that against Riley for the rest of her life." I say

I bite my lip, looking him up and down, he takes his shirt off and climbs on top of me.

His warm body on top of mine was like nothing I've ever felt before. It made my heart face, yet it made me feel the safest I'd ever been.

He makes out with me more and more, slowly moving his hand towards the clip of my bra. Within seconds my bra is completely off exposing everything underneath.

He rolls off of me and unbuckles his belt. He fold it in half and puts it behind my neck, pulling us closer together.

"You're all mine darling." He says as our faces are only about an inch away from each other's.

He pushes me back onto the bed, leaving the belt next to me, and quickly pulls off his pants and underwear.

He grabs the belt and slightly drags is across my thighs. He slaps each thigh, then goes back to dragging the belt. He kept slapping my thighs with the belt, making me let out multiple moans.

"Oh, you like that?" He asks me.

I nod and moan slightly.

He taps the belt on my chest, "Turn over," he demands. "Now!" He says as he slaps the belt on my chest. I wince slightly as I turn over.

He grabs half of my ass in one hand, slapping the other side with his belt. "You've been a bad girl, you've been drinking too much, you must be punished." He says slapping my ass harder with the belt. I let out a large moan.

"You like when daddy punishes you don't you darling?"

I nod in response as he slaps me again. He moves his hand down my ass and finds my pussy. He sticks one finger in slowly.

"Already so wet? We haven't even started." He slaps my ass again as he quickly sticks in another finger. I let out a big moan. "Oh fuck this I can't take it anymore I need you." He says as he aggressively turns me back over.

He pulls me to the edge of the bed and gets down on his knees. He pushes my legs apart. He puts a single finger on my clit, caressing it.

He kisses around my lips. He takes his tongue and licks up and down my pussy. He sticks his tongue in and begins going up and down. Still with one finger on my clit, he takes his other hand and strokes around my lips, teasing me.

"Oh Ron," I let out a moan. He begins to go faster and faster.

I moan more and more. I swear I could've just came from that. But he begins to focus his mouth on my clit. He sucks on it and licks it. The harder he sucked, the more fingers he'd put inside of me.

It started out as a soft kiss on my clit, with one finger caressing inside of me.

Then he began to suck a little more aggressively on it, stopping at points to quickly lick it up and down. And stick in a second finger, and hitting my g-spot.

He got even more aggressive with sucking on my clit as he inserted a third finger into my pussy. Going faster and faster as I moaned his name.

He put in a fourth finger as I screamed. "Oh yes, yes daddy please don't stop."

This was different than any other time we'd done it. Soon enough I had came, and damn it was so good.

"Now it's my turn baby," he says as he pushes me further onto the bed.

He climbs on top of me.

I grab his arms and push him over so that I'm on top of him.

I lean in "I'm in charge now Ronald" I whisper into his ear.

I slowly drag my hands down his chest, closer and closer to his dick.

I lightly tap it, then I grab it with my hand, stroking up and down slowly.

I bring the rest of my body down so my face is near my hands. I kiss around his cock teasing him slightly.

I go closer and closer to his tip. Once I get there I kiss it, then wrap my mouth around it. I begin slowly going down and up.

Ron and I share a soft moan.

The I go fast and faster, Ron making me take more and more every stroke, I gag multiple times.

I go faster and faster, "oh y/n don't stop" he moans.

"Y/n!" He moans again.

He finishes and I stop. The two of us breath heavily.

"Who told you to stop?" He smirks.

He pushes me over and teases my clit again. Soon enough he was completely inside of me. We were going at it so aggressively that if felt like the whole room was shaking.

It hurt a little, but oh it was so good. We both came multiple times. I don't know what's gotten into Ron lately but he's gotten even better than before.

Maybe it's just that we're both drunk, but that was the best sex I've ever had.

The two of us sit next to each other breathing heavily out of exhaustion.

Ron gets up and puts pants on, "why don't you just wear my jumper to bed tonight, nothing else," he says.

"Fine, but you don't get to wear a shirt!" I say.

"I wasn't planning on it," he giggles throwing his sweater at me.

I get into bed, so does Ron. He puts his arm around me and before I could even say anything he was snoring.

But it wasn't the same sleepy snore he usually has. It was a drunk snore. It was deeper and more aggressive. I slapped his face,

"You're drunk, turn on your side so you don't snore and I'll actually be able to sleep." 

He rolls his eyes and turns from his back to his side, spooning me.

Quickly, he was asleep again.

I tried to fall asleep but had to many intrusive thoughts.

There's only a few days left until we're off to Hogwarts. I'll probably be put into Hufflepuff while the rest of my friends are off in Gryffindor.

That also means there won't be as many nights like these. It'll be sneaking into the Gryffindor common room or Ron's dorm. Or maybe he'll be sneaking through to see me in Hufflepuff.

But it won't be the same as this. There will be other people, who knows if Ron will fall for someone else. What if someone falls for me?


I love Ron and he loves me and we're together and that won't change.

I'll miss Molly's cooking, our family dinners, getting pulled into Ginny's room for gossip, boys against girls races, not being the odd American with the weird accent, but most of all I'll miss my sweet moments with Ron.

Our kisses in the hallways, waking up with him by my side every day, not having to sneak around, and having as much freedom as we want.

But things change for the better. Here's to new memories, new friends, new food, and a new life, again.

Guys I completely forgot about this chapter for a hot minute. But I finally got it out soooooooo. Anyways I think I'm gonna write one more chapter and then be done with this book. I hope you've liked it so far.

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