Chapter 26: Goodbye, For Now

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The next morning I wake up with a pounding headache, Ron was still completely out of it so I quickly and quietly walked into the bathroom.

I striped and quickly got into the shower. I felt so disgusting after yesterday. I was insanely drunk I barely remember what happened. Then it hit me.

Shit! Today's Harry's last day before leaves us! I check my watch, ok it's only about 10am, that's not bad.

I finish my shower, french braid my hair, and head downstairs to make the only hangover remedy that actually works on me.

Soon after me, Riley and George come down the stairs.

"Good morning," I say pouring the hangover drink into a cup.

"Uuugghhmeeehhhh" Riley says as she sits down at the island and lays her head in her arms.

"Here, drink this", I say handing her and George two glasses of the green liquid.

Riley gags, but she's drank this before and she hates it. Yet, when she needs it she drinks it, it works like a charm. She plugs her nose and slurps the whole drink down.

George smells it, then gags, "Ugh, what is this?" He asks.

"It's a hangover drink, I promise it'll help." I reply.

"What's in it?"

"I'm not gonna tell you! Then you won't drink it." I sigh as I pour two more glasses and quickly chug mine.

George plugs his nose and slurps the whole thing.

Riley gags again from just looking at it.

"That gives me flashbacks to last night," George winks.

Riley rolls her eyes.

Ron comes down the stairs, still with the blanket around himself, "oh yeah, we heard you. 'Oh Riley faster'" he mimicks.

"'George! Yes! Oh! Yes!'"I add. The two is laugh together. "Here drink this, it'll help." I say as I hand Ron the drink and kiss him on the forehead.

He looks at me with his soft eyes. "It'll help I promise." I say.

He trusts me and gulps down the drink. "WOOO!" He exclaims, "I already feel better, thanks darling." He says as he kisses me on the cheek.

"Yeah you might feel better but your breath stinks! Go brush your teeth!" I demand.

"Jeez, at least let the poor boy have his breakfast first!" Harry says as he walks through the front door. "Ginny and I heard about your remedy and came over to see if you could give us some."

"Ugh! Fine I'll make another batch! I say, but one of you has to make breakfast."

"I'll do it! What do you guys want, pancakes?" Ron yells.

We nod, "Ronald, you're yelling, quiet down." Ginny whines.

"Right sorry, y/n's drink really does help."

I wink at him as I throw everything into the blender.

Once we finish breakfast and everyone is a little better looking and feeling they go upstairs to get changed and do what they need to do, leaving me downstairs with Harry and Ginny.

"So, what did you guys do last night?" I ask.

"Ummm... nothing really.. we just went to bed." Ginny explains as Harry picks up his glass of water.

"I don't know you both where pretty drunk, did you guys do it too?"

Harry spits the water out if his mouth.

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