Chapter 24: The Party

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Ok, when I woke up I was kind of scared for this afternoon. Everyone was acting extremely suspicious.

Harry even offered to show me his home on Privet drive just to get Riley and I out of the house.

"Um no thanks, I'm pretty sure if I met your cousin, I'd probably punch him." I chuckle.

He smirks.

"Y/N! RILEY! CLOSE YOUR EYES!" Fred yells from upstairs. I sigh and cover my eyes,

"So when are we gonna get to know what this surprise really is?"

"Very soon, we promise!" I hear George say as the twins stomp down the stairs and out the door.

That was most of our day, one person from the family would sit with us for about an hour and talk, while everyone else would be bustling from one house to the other helping Fred and George.

But knowing Ron he'd get hungry so I stopped him.

"Do you wanna go get some food and maybe bring everyone else back some?" I asked him.

"Sure," he answered me, "but we should probably take Riley with so everyone can keep working."

"Ugh fine!" I sigh, "Riley come on we're gonna go get food with Ron."

"DAD! I'M TAKING THE CAR!" Ron yells as he grabs the keys and walks out.

Ah yes, the flying car. Ron told me about how him and Harry had to take it to school when Dobby locked them out.

This is the first time I've ever seen Ron drive and I was kinda nervous. But honestly he isn't that bad of a driver.

We soon got to the Leaky Cauldron. The three of us sat down and ordered. We ate slowly, like really slowly, especially Ron, I'm pretty sure it took him about 2 hours to eat. But he was so annoyed with Riley and I by the end he finally snapped.

"Come on Ron please tell us what the surprise is! Please!" The two of us repeat throughout our entire lunch.

"Okay! Okay! Fine! I'll tell you!" Ron exclaims extremely frustrated.
He sighs, "Fred and George have been planing you a surprise party."

The two of us gasp.

"Oooo a party! What will I wear?" I say.

Ron rolls his eyes, " Nothing over the top, it's the twins so it's casual, and I do not want anyone checking you out besides me." He says grabbing my hand.

"Ugh stop being so lovey dovey and take me home, so I can finally see my boyfriend." Riley pleads.

"Fine let's go," Ron grabs the keys and we get home.

Once we walk in the door Riley goes straight for George, hugging him and kissing him.

Ron and I make gagging and throwing up noises in the corner. George throws his hand at us, "come on you know you lot are worse than us."

We all laugh.

"So a surprise party huh!" Riley exclaims still holding onto George.

"Ron!" George let's go of Riley. "You told them!"

"I couldn't take it! They were whining and whining and whining and they wouldn't shut up until I told them!" Ron yells. "You try spending 2 hours alone with two annoying sisters who won't shut up!"

"ANNOYING!" Riley and I say in unison. I give him a light slap across the face.

"Speaking of the party, when's it starting?" I ask.

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