Chapter 9: Why's Everyone Attracted to The Weasleys?

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The next morning I wake up and try not to wake Ron. I get up and go downstairs. I see Ginny, Hermione, and Riley at the table. I go over to them.

"Hey guys what's up?" I greet them.

"Y/N! FINALLY! YOURE AWAKE!" Hermione exclaims in joy.

"A little birdy told us there's a lot going on between you and Ron that we haven't heard. Please sit down, grab a mug of coffee, and tell us everything." Riley says

I grab some coffee and sit down with them.

"Where should I start?"

"THE DATE!!" Ginny yells

"Ok ok," I reply "We started by getting candy, then we walked around for hours, then we got food at the pub, had a picnic in the field under the stars, and had sex.

"YOU DID WHAT?" Riley screams

"We had sex, and it was really good. Sorry to break it to you Ginny but you're brothers really good in bed."

"Ew! Ew! Ew! I didn't not need to know that! But please, tell us more," Ginny says intrigued.

I didn't tell them all of the details, but I told them about the kiss, and how we picnicked alone in the field and sang songs.

I then went on to tell them about the amazing first time we had together.

"NO! We don't want to hear this!" Ginny and Hermione say as they cover their ears.

"So y/n's not a virgin, how about you Riley," Ginny asks

"Yeah I am.... but George and I are getting pretty close so I don't know how much longer I will be" she shrugs

"Hermione how about you?" I ask

"Oh course she is! She didn't sleep with Viktor Krum, so who would she have done it with?" Ginny exclaims

"Well...." Hermione sighs.

"WHAT!?" We all yell.

"Riley remember your first day when the boys were fighting over you?"

"Of course." She answers

"And remember how he said he preferred chocolate?"


"That night, when I first arrived."

"NO WAY!" I yell

"Ew guys! Gross! What's with all of your obsessions with my brothers? They're not even that cute!" Ginny asks in disgust.

"Oh yes we are little sister," I hear George say walking down the stairs.

"Just look at us!" Fred adds.

They come over to the table and sit down, George sits next to Riley and kisses her on the cheek.

"Has she told you about yesterday morning yet?" George asks.

"What happened yesterday morning?" Hermione asks curiously.

"She sucked him off in the bathroom," Fred answers

Ginny gags out of horror and disgusts.


The boys mock us again moaning "oh yes y/n!" "don't stop!"

"What if dad walked in? Or worse, mum!" Ginny asks still in horrid disgust.

"What about us?" Arthur and Molly walk down the stairs.

"Nothing Mum!" Ginny says as we all giggle.

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