Chapter 19: This isn't what I expected

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"Y/n get your butt over here and hug me I've missed you!" Oliver says sternly

"Ok jeez Ollie what's with the tone?" No response. He gives me a big hug then shoved past me.

"Oliver Sheppard, and you are?" He says putting his hand out.


"Oh you're the guy that was just doing it with this beautiful lady over here aren't you?" He cuts him over pulling away his hand.

"Well y-"

"Was it good?" He looks back at me and my jaw drops. "I mean it better have been, only the best for such a beautiful lady. Anyway, name?"

"R- Ron Weasley"

"FULL NAME!" He spits in Ron's face

"Hey Ollie ease up a little he's a good guy," I respond.

"No, only the best for my girls."

"He's been like this with every guy I've been with y/n even Jackson."

"Ronald Billius Weasley..." Ron murmurs

"Don't be afraid of him hon it's just a test" Chloe says shoving Ollie out of the way.

"I'm Chloe Sheppard, welcome to my house, feel free to do anything you want. Well... it seems as though you already have." She giggles "Anyway you guys down for chicken for dinner?"

"Sure" I reply.

"Good because you didn't really have a choice."Chloe grabs a completely cooked chicken out of the oven and places it on the dining table. "Ollie set the table please."

"What why can't Ronald and y/n do it?" He whines

"Because they're our guests and I said so. And don't call him Ronald you know he prefers Ron, be nice or you're going back to mom and dads." She snaps

Ollie quickly sets the table for dinner and we begin to eat.

"So, how was the trip over?" Chloe asks.

"Pretty easy, thanks for the port key by the way." I reply.

"No problem, I had to go into the muggle world anyway to get a recipe from my grandma."

"Wait, you're both half bloods?" Ron asks

"Yeah, our dads were actually best friend when they were kids. Strangely enough they both ended up becoming wizards." I explain.

"Maybe that's why they didn't have any friends" Oliver adds. Ron smirks.

"Do you guys have any plans for tomorrow?" Chloe asks

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna show Ron around the school maybe see some teachers say final goodbyes if any of them are there, stuff like that."

"Can I come? I left my broom at school and Chloe refuses to come with me," Oliver asks.

"Yes Ollie you can, as long as you promise to be nice to Ron." I respond

"I will be I promise, sorry Ron."

"It's fine, I have 5 brothers and a sister, I understand how protective you are"

"Wait, 5 brothers and only one sister! That poor girl!" Chloe says

"That's exactly what I thought when I first moved in, poor Ginny,"

"YOU MOVED IN!" Oliver slams the table.

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