Chapter 7: Hogsmeade

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Once we got to Hogsmeade I knew exactly what I wanted.

"Where's the candy store, I haven't had a chocolate frog in way too long," I ask as the group walks past the small shops.

"You have chocolate frogs in America?" Ron asks, "I thought that was just a thing here."

"No, we have chocolate frogs, but I bet they taste different than here, and have different cards in them, can I try one?" I reply

"Definitely, let's go to Honeydukes and get you some sweets."

This was definitely not what I expected Hogsmeade to look like, but honestly I have no idea what I though it would look like. It's so different from America, it's a little scary.

I think Ron saw my face go a little paler and that I began to make myself smaller so he put his arm around me and said,

"You ok darling?"

Just the round of his voice calmed me down a little. Ron and I have only known each other two days and I'm already falling so hard for him.

"Yeah I'm fine, everything just really new, and it's a little frightening." I replied to him while staring into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Don't worry sweet heart, I'm here for you." He reassures me.

I finally began to feel normal again as we walked into Honeydukes. I spun around looking for Riley and George but I couldn't find them.

"They didn't come in with us," I hear Ron say.

"What?" I say startled

"Riley and George, I think they went to get butter beers, I'm not exactly sure."

"Oh, right." I was a little confused as to why Riley would leave me because, well she's my sister and we're both on first dates in a completely new area with boys we've only known for like 2 days. But then I remembered how she looked at him, and I let it go.

"She's safe, I'm safe, everyone's safe," I think to myself.

"I found the chocolate frogs!" I hear in the distance

I walk over to seen Ron pretty much dropping chocolate frogs with the amount he has in his arms. We buy the chocolate frogs, along with a few licorice wands and a box of Bertie Bott's every flavoured beans.

I thank the cashier and we walk out. I found a cute little table where we could sit, but before we could sit Ron says,

"Hey!" And holds my face in his fans making me look into his ocean eyes. After staring into my eyes for a few seconds he pulls his face closer to mine.

Our lips unlock and my heart starts to race, after a few seconds our mouths open, letting our tongues intertwine, his hands left my face and moved to my hips. While my arms traveled from around his neck to his fluffy ginger hair.

Slowly his hands moved from my hips to my ass where he kept them for a the rest of the time. Once in a while he'd squeeze my ass slightly making me let out a small moan.

After a few minutes we disconnect from each other, but we don't let go. We hold on and stare into each other's eyes.

"Your beautiful," he sighs.

I smile and bite my lip slightly and giggle. I think I'm in love with him, but it's only been two days.

I kiss him one last time before my hands leave his hair and I sit down and enjoy my candy.

I open my first chocolate frog.

"Who'd you get?" Ron asks me.

"Dumbledore," I reply. Hey wait I know him! Isn't he the headmaster at Hogwarts?"

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