Chapter 17: The commute to who knows where 

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The next morning I woke up and I could just tell that it was later in the day than usual.

I roll over, "Good morning Ron," I say putting my hand in his pillow. I open my eyes and see an empty bed. I'm alone.

Oh no, please don't tell me the last month of my life has been a dream!

I realize I'm at Gran's so there's no way this was a dream, right?

I get read and head down stairs to see Ron making a batch of chocolate chip pancakes while Gran is next to him making a batch of banana pancakes, my favorite.

"Wonderful, this wasn't a dream!" I say under my breath.

"What love?" Ron asks.

"Oh nothing, I was just saying how happy I am to have you."

"I like your jumper" he says as he winks at me.

I forgot I was wearing his sweater again! I literally could've looked down and realized it wasn't a dream, sometimes I'm so stupid.

"Thanks hon, I like your shirt.!" I grin looking at his Led Zepplin t-shirt.

"Thanks, Grandpa gave it to me this morning, along with other muggle bands we love like Beatles, and queen, and even and Elton John one! You can have it if you want." Ron exclaims.

"No thanks darling, Grandpa has gotten me enough band t-shirts I have about 3 Elton John ones. Wait... Grandpa's letting you call him Grandpa now??" I ask surprised as I roll up my sleeves, put my hair in a messy bun, put on a apron and begin to help Gran with the Banana pancakes.

"Yeah, we both woke up really early this morning, around 5:30  and we talked for a while. Then I went for the walk and we talked more."

"That's wonderful! Too bad it's in our last day." I sigh

"Yeah, but we'll come visit soon."

Gran nudges me. "You really know how to pick em y/n. This kid is great. He helped me dust the top shelves and he told us so many great stories. He's sweet, don't lose him."

"I don't plan on it Gran" I smile at her.

Once we finish our pancakes dad and grandpa appear from a walk. We all eat together for our final breakfast.

Since we didn't have that much traveling to do to the wizarding world, just another port key. We spent most of the day playing board games and watching movies until about 2:00 o'clock.

I even beat Ron in muggle chess. It's pretty much the same thing as wizards chess so I don't understand how because he's insane but I won!

"That's rubbish y/n how'd you win?" He asks me

"To be honest Ronnie boy I have no idea." I mock

After multiple rounds of chess and some other games. And of course watching my favorite muggle movie, the karate kid. We decided it could be a good idea to start packing.

We turned on some music and began to pack. Ron had to use my bag for some of the stuff grandpa gave him. I could tell he was really happy about his new shirts.

We were done after about an hour of dancing and packing with some help from Gran.

After packing we brought our stuff downstairs. Since dad was still a wizard even though he wanted to leave that side of himself behind, I could never understand why. He sent our stuff to Chloe's so we wouldn't have to lug all of it there.

"Good bye y/n, keep Ron in check, make sure he doesn't do anything out of line." Grandpa says

"Of course I will Grandpa." I smile as we hug.

"Bye munchkin, come visit me whenever you can. And send me some letters with Eloise if you want." Dad says pulling me in for a tight hug.

And finally Gran, I think I'm gonna miss her the most "Good bye Gran, I'll write to you too. Please write back!!" I say hugging her.

"Of course baby girl," she says, "Please keep Ron, I really like him, he's good for you."

"Ok Gran, I'll try, I really like him too" I reply.

We said our final goodbyes to everyone and walked to the portkey which Chloe placed about half a mile from Gran's.

"What's the portkey in the shape of?" Ron asks me.

"Uuuhhhhmmmm Chloe told me it was a skateboard."

"And she doesn't think anyone will take it?" Ron asks.

"No, in this town if you take a board it'll be found real quick because everyone here has different boards they're all one of a kind and the town is so small everyone knows each other."

"Oh, I guess that makes sense."

"There it is!" I say as I spot a daisy covered long board leaning against a very large oak tree.

"Ready?" I ask Ron grabbing his hand.

"Of course," he replies squeezing my hand.

I grab the skateboard as we are sent off spinning. We end up in a marble floored living room which I'm guessing belongs to Chloe.

"Wow! This place is huge!" Ron exclaims.

"Yeah, this is Chloe's house, she lives here alone ever since she moved out of her horrible parents house." I explain.

"So you're telling me she lives here on her own? How did she get it?"

"Yeah usually on her own, sometimes her little brother Oliver stays over here too when he can't handle their parents. Her grandparents used to live here, but they were murdered a few years ago. They left the house to her because they knew how bad her parents were."

We walked around for a while, I found a note in the foyer. "Hey Ron come look at this" I say

He runs over. I read it out loud.

"Hey y/n,

So happy you'll be staying with me for a bit with your new boy I can't wait to meet him. I gotta go pick up Oliver from Janet and Eric's because they're being horrible to him again. I'll be back around 6ish.

Can't wait to see you babe,

I check my watch, 3:30.

"So she'll be gone for a while." Ron says pulling me in closer.

"Yeah, she will." I smirk looking up at him.

"I think we need some over due time alone." He says grabbing my ass lightly.

"We definitely do." I wink as we being to kiss."

Imma leave you guys on a little smut cliffhanger because I wanna put it in detail and it's getting lowkey late here and I'm exhausted so you'll probably get a really smutty chapter tomorrow.  This was kind of a filler chapter because I couldn't think of a great way to get you guys to Chloe's so here you go.

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