Chapter 14: Train Ride to Hell

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After a few days of exploring upstate we decided it would be a good idea to go down to New York City and explore some more.

We took our backpacks and we're on our way.

"Pick me up a pint from joe's on your way home!" Gran exclaims as we leave home.

"What's Joe's,"Ron asks me.

"Joe's is this tiny little ice cream shop on a little corner in Brooklyn that Gran used to take me when I'd visit the muggle world." I explain to him

"That's cool, do you think they'd have butter beer?" He asks.

"No Ron, I'm pretty sure that's just an England thing, actually I'm pretty sure that's just an England Wizarding world thing. And besides, you're too young to drink here remember."

"You're right, Harry never mentioned butter beer from the muggle world. Also, I think it's so stupid that you can't drink at all." Ron whines.

"Well maybe I'll sneak you some when we get to the wizarding world in a few days." I say running my hands through Ron's hair.

"Fine!" He whines as we get onto the bus.

We ride the bus part of the way, and ride the train the rest. I don't think he understood how trains work. He kept asking me if things were magic no matter where we were.

"How does the bottom of the bus have so much room for our things, it must be magic"..... "How does the train know when the doors to close, now this has to be magic!"

"Ronald, you have to stop talking about magic in the muggle world!" I whisper to him sternly.

The train ride was full of laughs, I wasn't really paying attention to anyone besides Ron. But once the conversation died down I began to look around the train car.

I noticed a familiar boy on the opposite side of the car. He was glaring at Ron, who was he?

Then it hit me, "Liam!" I jumped.

"What?" Ron asks confused.

"There's a boy on the other side of the train car, it's Liam!" I yell knowing Liam won't hear me because of all the noise.

Ron looks at him and begins to stand up. "What are you doing?" I ask him.

"I'm going to go confront the boy," he scoffs.

"What are you going to say?" I ask him again. "Thanks for breaking y/n's heart, it led her straight to me."

"No..." Ron sighs sitting back down.

We began to talk about Liam, which got us somehow on the topic of sports.

"I don't understand muggles don't have quidditch! What do they play?" He turns to the person on the other side of him poking their shoulder.

"Excuse me, what's your favorite sport?" He asks them.

"Oh, um, volleyball I guess" They answer confused.

Ron turns back to look at me.

"Ron, you're turning into Arthur!" I exclaim.

We laugh, I see a figure coming towards us, I look over and Liam is walking closer and closer to us.

"Good morning darling, haven't seen you in a while." He says trying to grab my hand.

I retract it as much as possible as Ron slaps is hand and snaps, "Don't touch her!"

"Ooooo and who may this be?" He gawks, "my rebound now that you've decided to move away. Come on y/l/n you know we're meant for each other, we have been since we were 11."

"This is not my rebound Stewart, this is Ron, my boyfriend. We aren't meant for each other, you forced me to believe that now get your ass out of here." I exclaim.

Liam looks over at Ron, "Liam Stewart, nice to meet you," he says putting his hand out.

"Ron Weasley." Ron says sternly, wrapping his hand around Liams and shaking it tightly.

"So you decided to go for a Brit did you?" He says to me then quickly looking at Ron, "How long have you two been together? You slept together? She's great in bed isn't she?" He says persistently.

"STOP IT LIAM YOU KNOW WE DIDN'T SLEEP TOGETHER!" I yell, as I stand up. The whole train car goes silent. I knew everyone had been listening in but I didn't think it was that big of a deal until EVERYONE was listening.

"Oh we might've not slept together, but we didn't need to with everything else we did, come on darling you remember." He begins to put his hands around my wait.

Ron shoved him back "GET THE HELL OFF OF HER!" Ron yells as Liam falls to the floor.

Liam stands back up, "Answer me, do you love her?"

Without hesitation Ron puts his arm on my waist and pulls me closer, "Of course I love her. I've loved her since I laid my eyes on her when we were a year old."

"She doesn't love you back," Liam says getting in Ron's face. "She's using you for her happiness." I began to feel tears filling in my eyes. I tried my hardest to hold them back but I couldn't. I sat down.

Ron looked over at my concerned. While he was distracted Liam shoves him into the side of the train car. "y/n doesn't love you, she never will." He says only about an inch from Ron's face.

Ron backs up as much as possible, I could tell he didn't want to hurt him, but he saw I was hurt so he did was he thought was right.

"No, you're just mad because she never loved you" he says.

He turns to me, tears begin rolling down my face as Ron punches Liam in the face. Liam falls to the floor again, this time Ron doesn't let him back up. He begins to hit him more and more.

I was frozen, I couldn't move. I sat there and watched, just like everyone else in the train car.

Liam began to gain back his strength and got on top of Ron, but not for long because Ron began to push him back.

The doors quickly opened, Ron grabbed my arm as we ran out of the train into the city.


I thought this chapter was insane and it was so fun to write I loved it lmao

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