Chapter 3 - Deny No Longer

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I fall silent, awaiting for a reaction from Zane. "Wow, you two didn't waste any time did you?" I don't smile at Zane's joke, and his own disappears, "Well, is it a bad thing? She's your wife now." 

Hearing the word wife suddenly put me into mental shackles. "I love Cleo, but sometimes I feel like we moved too quickly." Zane furrowed his brow, "But you've known each other since you were practically crawling, I'd say you didn't move fast enough." 

Zane had a point, but something still felt wrong. "I know, but I'm just having a hard time processing it." Zane sat down next to me, "I get it, mate." I enjoy having support from Zane, but I don't think he really understands what I'm going through. I barely understand it myself. 

We sit in silence for a few moments, fixated on the puffy clouds slowly dwindling across the skyline, catching different shades of pink and orange casted from the horizon. A light breeze tickles my ears as it moves its way down the city, and the smell of cake and sweets drifts in from the cafe. 

"Beautiful isn't it?" Zane says in awe. "Yeah, pretty great," I admit. As I'm looking forward, watching a mother duck and her ducklings pass gently in the water, I can tell that Zane's eyes are on me. I don't know why, but this sort of tingling sensation overcame me, replacing the pit of dread that had sat there moments before. 

Sitting here with Zane in this instant felt so right. Even though it is just one small seemingly insignificant moment, I feel that maybe our whole life's paths have led us to this point. I shift my gaze to Zane, and our eyes lock. I can feel my cheeks turning a bright tomato red, which in the midst of a sunset might make my face appear even redder. I didn't know I was capable of blushing this much. 

Zane reached forward and set his hand on top of mine. I'm never speechless, but this had me more flustered than I have ever been in my entire life. All of the sudden, I realize what I had felt about Zane all along. 

I could never admit it out loud, but I couldn't deny this feeling any longer. Something in me tells me that Zane feels the same way. 

He leans in slowly, looking from my lips to my own eyes, and before I could think of the word "Wallaby," his lips were on mine.

Forbidden Treasure - A continuation of "You're My Everything"Where stories live. Discover now