Chapter 2 - Best Man

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The typical antics ensue, and after the mother-son, father-daughter dances, as well as me and Cleo's first dance, the floor at Rikki's Cafe is opened for everyone to get their party on. I stand on the sidelines as champagne bottles pop open, and music starts blaring. The lights are blinding, but I have to admit that Zane's connections have really helped us out. 

Cleo reaches for my hand, saying, "Lewis, aren't you going to dance with me? This is the happiest night out of our lives," I feel a nervous sweat break out on my forehead. "Yeah, yeah, I just think I need some air. Just for a minute, I'll be back," Cleo understands, and whoops as she dives into the crowd. 

I step down and sit out at the dock nearby, gazing at the crystal clear waters of the Australian Gulf Coast, hanging my feet off the sides swinging them to and fro. I take out my handkerchief and fiddle with it as I try to make sense of my internal struggle. I can't shake this queasy feeling inside me, I just feel so suddenly lost and alone. 

I had this picture of what mine and Cleo's future would look like, and it didn't involve having a baby right after we got married. I had never even told her that I wasn't too keen on having kids in the first place. I don't know what I'm going to do. As I sit solemnly by the bayside, a hear footsteps behind me. It was my best man. 

"Hey Lewis," Zane says, "What're you doing out here?" Zane was always very in touch with his emotions and those around him. Sometimes I think that he was even more perceptive of my feelings than Cleo. He must have been able to tell that something was bothering me. 

"Oh, nothing," I lied. "Come on, Lewis," Zane said, "I can tell that something is bothering you." I scratch the back of my neck anxiously, "I just needed some air," I say. "From what?" Zane enquires cheekily. I trust Zane, so I tell him that I'm having a bit of a hard time.

"I guess you could say the transition from the bachelor life to a married one has its new challenges," Zane laughs heartily and says, "Cleo giving you troubles already?" My eyes dart back and forth, "Sort of."

"Tell me about it. Women," Zane rolls his eyes. I chuckled weakly, and Zane punched my shoulder playfully. "No, really. What's wrong mate?" Zane asks seriously. I look around timidly to see if anyone else had left the cafe for a breather. 

"Man," Zane says, "This must be serious. You can tell me anything. After All, I am your best man." I decide that Zane has always been for me, and deserves to know the truth. I assume that Cleo would be announcing it at some point in the near future anyways, so it probably wouldn't hurt to tell Zane. 

"Well," I said nervously, "It's Cleo." It looks like Zane doesn't know what to make of this, "What about her? Is she alright?"

"Yeah she's fine," I say, "She just... well, it's-"

"Just spit it out already!" Zane demands. "Okay okay!" I say. "After our kiss at the altar, Cleo told me that she's pregnant." 

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