Chapter 12 - Better Together

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The next day, we all hang out at Cleo's family's house. Apart from Kim chiming in with cheeky comments and insults, all is well. 

We are still worried about Charlotte though, as she will inevitably seek revenge, but for the time being, there is peace. Well, as much as peace as possible after finding out your entire friend group has cheated on each other. 

There is still some unresolved tension that needs to be dealt with, so we figured a nice day with Cleo and her family would raise our spirits. Plus, Mr. Setori seemed to like to have us around.

We all sit on the couch with some popcorn to watch a flick, when something else pops onto the tv. 

"Breaking News: two women are arrested for a charge or murder in the first degree of the beloved famous Italian-American actor named-" The tv drones on. 

We all look at each other with shock in our eyes, and turn our attention back towards the news. 

"It seems as though his skin was taken as a token for the kill. Dr. Denmon, a marine biologist and scientist had traces of his DNA in her lab, and was later confirmed to be a part of the scheme by Charlotte Watsford, who was figured out to be the mastermind behind the murder. They are now behind bars and are susceptible to capital punishment in the states for their grusome attack of this beautiful man."

We all start cheering, as Charlotte and Dr. Denmon are finally locked away and can never harm us again. Charlotte is too rude to ever get out of prison early on good behavior, so I know we are safe. 

Kim, Sam, and Mr. Setori looks at us as though we were aliens, "For what reason are you celebrating?" Mr. Setori asks, clearly disturbed by our joy. 

"A handsome, gorgeous man was just killed, and you guys are whooping? Hold on, isn't that the girl who came over to tutor you, Cleo? That's right! I remember her, she was my business partner's daughter!"

"Okay dad," Cleo laughs nervously, "We'll be outside." 

Afterwards, we leave the house so we can discuss everything so as to not further trouble my father in law. 

"Can you believe it?" Zane says, "Charlotte, the source of all evil in the world, has just been put behind bars!"

"I know!" Shouts Bella, "I never got to formally meet her when you guys all knew each other, but I don't exactly wish I had." We all exchange smiles and it gets quiet. 

"So..." starts Cleo, "Now that this is over, I want to apologize. Lewis, I'm sorry for cheating on you with Zane and Blonde man. I'm sorry that the baby is his. Zane, I'm sorry for sleeping with Blonde Man behind your back."

"I'm the one who should be sorry, Cleo" I say, "I'm sorry for cheating you with Zane and Rikki. And also Blonde Man. Zane, I'm sorry for sleeping with your girlfriend and getting her pregnant. Rikki, I'm sorry for sleeping with your boyfriend behind your back and for impregnating you." 

They all nod understandingly.

Rikki pipes up, "Cleo, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have slept with your then-fiancee now husband."

"You two were on it before we got married?!" Cleo exclaims. 

"Nevermind that," Rikki continues, "And Zane. I'm sorry I was unfaithful to you and got with Lewis and Blonde Man."

"I'm sorry too, Rikki," Zane says, "I didn't mean to get involved with Cleo and Lewis like that. Also, does that mean you all actually slept with Charlotte, I'm really still confused about all that. How could he-- or her-- get you pregnant, Cleo? How in the world does that work?"

Cleo shrugs. That was good enough for us. 

"In the spirit of apologizing," Emma proclaims, "I want to say sorry to Bella for getting with her boyfriend. And Ash, I'm sorry for sleeping with Will and for being pregnant with his child instead of yours."

"No worries, Emma," Ash says, "I shouldn't have hooked up with Bella all those times, and I'm sorry she's going to bear my child."

"Yeah," Bella starts, "Sorry Will, that this child I'm carrying won't be yours, but Ash's. And Emma, I never meant to hurt you by being on it with Ash in the first place." 

Ash chimes in, "I'm sorry for stealing your girl, Will."

"Me too," Will says back.

"Well," I say, "That just about does it." 

We all smiled and huddled in for a big group hug. 

Despite Charlotte's plans, we were now stronger than ever. "Let's celebrate all of this at Mako," I suggest. 

"Sounds like a great idea, Lewis," Cleo says with a wide grin. 

We head down to the beach and all dive into the water side by side. It was time that Zane, Ash, and Will see their tails for the first time.

After jumping head first into the sea, my tail appears, glistening under the rays of sun that peak in from under the waves. It's just as beautiful as I remember from the other night. 

I look to my right, and see the boys mesmerized by their own tails, and they give me a thumbs up. 

We turbo blast all the way to Mako Island, experiencing for the first time what it's like to live as a merman. 

We all pop our heads out of the Moon Pool and look to one another. Everyone seems so happy.

Something in me tells me that we're destined to be here together. I think that everyone else feels the same way by the looks in their eyes. I feel so connected with everyone now that we're all merpeople. More connected than I ever have before. It doesn't take long until we all instinctively go back underwater. 

We go on to have the best merperson love experience anyone could ask for. 

That's when I realize the most important thing of all-- we're better together.

The End

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