Chapter 10 - Blood Moon

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"What are you both doing here?" Charlotte asks in a rude and snobbish way, "Get out of there this instant, Lewis! It's nearly time. You're ruining everything!" She stamps her feet with disdain. 

"I was trying to get out when you walked in," I pointed out, "What do you mean it's nearly time?" 

Charlotte rolls her eyes and begins to explain, "Well I might as tell you since it won't matter in a few minutes anyways. Tonight is the night of a really rare Blood Moon. Not only will there be a full lunar eclipse, but the stars are in alignment. This is my only chance in 100 years to return my powers to me forever, so that I can never lose them again like how I lost them before." 

As Charlotte is explaining, Zane and I share a nervous look.

"Once I retrieve them, I will get rid of you once and for all. All of you."

"You can't do that!" Zane yells. 

"Sure can," Charlotte says in her typical Charlotte way, "When I was a mermaid, I was more powerful than Cleo, Rikki, Emma, and now this new Bella combined. I will easily overthrow them and kill every last one of you."

"Has anyone ever told you that you really suck?" Zane says. 

Charlotte raises one of her eyebrows. The moon above suddenly turns a bright red, just as Charlotte described. 

"Look, there it is!" She shouts. She takes off running towards me in the Moon Pool. I brace for impact, knowing I am defenseless against it. 

Just as Charlotte lunges for the pool, Zane single handedly side tackles her to the ground. I hear a loud bang and a grunt as Charlotte hits her head on the side of the wall. She stops moving.

"Quick! We need to get her out of here so that if she tries to come back, she won't have time, and the blood moon will have passed!"

"Where will we take her?" I asked. "As far away as possible," Zane says confidently. I get out of the Moon Pool and help Zane drag Charlotte away. 

"We need to hurry," he says, "She could wake up any minute." We drop her off at the shore, and Zane asks me, "We'll use your boat to get her farther away right?" 

I slap my forehead, "Crikey! I ran out of gas on the way here. What about your jet ski that you took to get out here?"

"Negative. There's no way I could hold a limp person while riding it, it just doesn't work like that. I don't think we would have enough time to get her away on it anyways."

"Well then," I say, "We'll have to leave her here."

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