Chapter Twenty-Five: Mind Reader

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I woke up in Persephone's dorm and everything was different. The sun shines brighter through her curtains. The chirps of the birds were louder. The cool morning air was somewhat easier to breathe.

It felt peaceful.

I had slept in her roommate's bed because she was with her family. Persephone had lended me some clothes to sleep in, which was really nice of her. I didn't want to sleep in my dress. She was still asleep so I got up from my bed and walked over to the window.

The Ravenclaw dorms were much higher than the Slytherin dorms. The view was astonishing. It was a shame that this wasn't my dorm. I almost forgot about all the problems I was facing.

"You like the view?" Persephone chucked.

I didn't turn around, I knew she was behind me but I was too mesmerized by my surroundings. "It's truly amazing." I say softly.

"You know our conversation last night? I need to tell you something." she said hesitantly. I turned around to face her. She was holding one of her arms and looked nervous like she was hiding something.

"What is it?" I question curiously.

She sighs and walks over to my bed. She sits down and she motions for me to sit next to her. I slowly nod and make my way next to her.

"What is it?"

She looked down at her lap and sighed again. I saw her hands start to shake. Was she nervous?

"So you told me about how your boyfriend can read minds right? It's called Legilimency. Legimens can read people's minds, but there's a way against it." she explained, looking up at me.

I leaned in closer, intrigued.

"You know when I first met you I was curious of who you were. I didn't look far, but I saw your father. I was just curious because our last names are the same but it turns out that we don't have the same father. Your father's name is Alexander and he looks nothing like mine." she informed.

"You read my mind?" I question angrily. She looks down at the bed then back up to me.

"I just told you Moon, that I didn't look that far into your mind." she said trying to defend herself. I looked her up and down, shaking my head.

How could she do this to me?

I had just told her about Draco and Katherine being able to read my mind, and she just does it without my permission?

"My father he's"

"I know. So is my mom." she says softly. Well, I act like she is. She got sent to Azkaban last year. What kind of Hufflepuff gets sent to Azkaban? All because a stupid muggle found out she was a witch."

"Persephone, I'm sorry." I say sympathetically. She rolled her eyes as she got up from the bed.

"Yeah, well you're not the only one with a sob story." she muttered, walking away.

She was right.

"Look about the occl-"

"Moon, I just get to the point?" she questioned softly. I let out a small sigh and slowly nodded my head.

"Occlamency is practiced by witches and wizards who don't want their minds read by Legimens. I could help you practice it, or I can get someone like Professor Snape to practice it with you." she explained.

I looked down at my lap. I could make sure no one reas my mind. I could protect myself.

"I'll give you the week to decide."

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