Chapter Thirty: Meeting and Cake

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I cried for about an hour before I had to wash myself up for the meeting. I had asked Blaise to watch over Draco since I didn't trust him alone. I knew Katherine would try to come up with a plan when I wasn't there.

I just needed to know what memories she erased.

He remembered me.

Why did he remember me?

I got ready for the death eater meeting in my darkest attire. They were scary people and I needed to fit in.

I didn't want to be one, but it was either me or Draco.

I walked to Persephone's room anxious for what was awaiting for me at the death eater meeting. I hated going, but at least I knew Persephone. I knocked on her door, she carefully opened it and looked around before letting me in. I knew the precautions we had to take, but it was still a little scary.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked.

"Don't ask questions, I think it's best that we don't say anything about it." I explain softly as I sat down on her bed. I didn't want to go to the death eater meeting or have to think about what happened to Draco.

I just wanted peace.

"I get it but if you ever need to talk to someone, I'll be here." she mentioned, as she sat down beside me. It was comforting that someone was there for me. "Are you ready?"

She held out her hand for me to hold. I almost didn't take it, for I was scared of what might happen if I did. Then I remembered why I was going to the meeting, I was a death eater.

Whether I liked it or not.

I held her hand tightly, and we apperated out of the room. The feeling was weird. Even though I've done it before, it felt different this time. There was an enormous amount of pressure, pushing at every inch of my body.

I had a knot in my stomach and it began to get hard to breathe. I could still feel Persephone's hand on mine, but it was very faint. I saw nothing but blackness around me.

Within seconds I felt my feet on the floor. My vision started to clear up and all of the pressure started to release.

I was there.

I looked around, and we were inside a creepy mansion. It was big, but gave me an off feeling. There was something about this place that I didn't like.

Persephone grabbed my arm and led me around a few corners before finally arriving in the meeting room. There were lots of people sat down at a large table, and it was intimating.

"Let's sit next to my father." she whispers, leading me towards a man sitting down at the table.

The man turned his head slightly to look at the both of us, as we sat down beside him. He looked back and forth between the both of us before looking away once again.

"Killian Torres." he muttered.

"I'm Moon Torres, Persephone's friend." I exclaimed softly. He slowly turned his head to look at me, he slightly nodded before turning away again. I look at all of the people coming in the room and sitting at the table.

I recognized a familiar man and woman sit down together at the table.

It was Draco's parents.

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