Chapter Six: Hangover

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We both entered the common room and I see Victoria sitting on the couch. "What the hell did you do to her?" She asks angrily pulling me away from him.

"It wasn't me. She came all over me like this, expecting me to want her or some shit." He spat. I don't even know what's going on, I sit down on the couch as they continue to fight.

"She'll have a hangover anyways she looked like she drank a lot." Victoria sighs as she puts her hand to her face. "I'm sorry, I just had a rough night. I drank so I didn't have to remember anything." I cry out, tears in my eyes. They both stop fighting to look at me.

"What were you trying to forget?" Draco asks lifting up a brow.

"A guy tried to do some sexual things with me, he made me do stuff but we didn't go that far. Blaise walked in before anything else could happen and he just ran off." I say softly. Their eyes widen at my words. "I'm going to kill him." Draco spat as he storms out of the common room. Victoria turns to me and hugs me tight.

"Let's get you to bed, you've been through enough already." She whispers and brings me into our dorm room. She throws a pair of her pajamas onto my bed, then looks in my trunk and grabs me a bra and underwear. "I thought you might want to get out of those dirty clothes." She says softly as she walks to her trunk to get hers.

"Thank you." I mutter as I change into her pajamas. She smiles as she puts her top on. "Let's get to bed." She whispers as she climbs into hers. I get into my bed and think about everything.

Why did that guy want to do that to me? Why was Draco being nicer to me? Why did he want to help me? I had so many questions, and not enough answers.

Finally, I'm able to go to sleep to the memory of my father, who had given me the necklace.


I punch him again in the face, opening another cut beside his left cheek. "Ok, I think that's enough." Pansy says crossing her arms. I look at her annoyed. She annoyed the fuck out of me, good thing I broke up with her. I get up off of the seventh year, Frank Doreen.

"He's going to be expelled tomorrow, why are you trying to kill him now?" Blaise laughs. I shoot him a look. He tried to have sex with her. This wasn't ok.

"And besides when did you care about her? We already got her off your back. She won't even remember anything tomorrow, I gave her a a muggle pill that makes people forget." Pansy exclaims.

"She still had to go through that." I spat angrily.

I didn't know who or what I was angry at. Pansy? Frank Doreen? Maybe myself. I think that's it.

"He didn't even care, he ran away as soon as I came in the room. So why should we?" Blaise says rolling his eyes. We start to walk away from Doreen's limp body on the floor. Beating up a seventh year was the highlight of the whole damn party.

We make our ways towards the common room. I was done partying. "She'll be back to normal tomorrow." Blaise smirks at me. "Yeah she won't remember anything except me apologizing to her." Pansy huffs.

I knew what the smirk meant.

He was going to fuck her. I didn't want him to but he didn't care. He couldn't say it since Pansy was right here. They wouldn't admit it, but they both cheat on each other like crazy. That mudblood liked him, he was nice.

Why the fuck do girls like nice guys?

I wouldn't.

"Why did you guys leave her anyways?" I ask, furrowing my brows together as we walk into the common room. "I was just talking to someone, she was dancing with someone so obviously she was busy." Pansy rolls her eyes. Liar. It's obvious she was cheating on Blaise, he's just blind to it.

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