Chapter Eight: The Truth

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I've been back home for the past few days, and yet my mother has told me nothing about the letter she sent. I was persistent but every time I brought it up, she brushed it off. Today was the day she was going to answer me.

I was going to make her.

"Mom?" I call for her upstairs. The scent of fresh tea and lemon bread coming from the kitchen and wafting up my nose. "Yes dear?" She asked as I walked down the stairs in my pajamas. She smiled at me and handed me a tray with the tea and bread sitting on top.

Our house was a modern house in the suburbs. We had a two story house but it wasn't big. She was an accountant so she was able to make a living for us by herself.

Now I was going to find out the real truth about my father, and who he really was.

"So I was wondering if you could tell me about why you needed me back here." I explain, lifting up the cup to my chin. She puts down her lemon bread and picks up the tray, motioning me to put my cup back down. She carries it over to the table and sits down so we face each other.

"It's time that you knew, Elizabeth." She explained. Elizabeth. My middle name, she never called me by my first. My father named me, Moon. Though, I don't remember the reasoning behind it.

Not like I can find out now.

"Your father is not who I make him out to be. You see, he's a wizard. Which makes you half of a wizard, I don't really know the terms." She laughs awkwardly. How am I supposed to react to this? Everyone thinks I'm a muggleborn. What are they gonna think if I say that I'm a half-blood now?

"Half-blood." I correct her, annoyed. She's been suspiciously nice to me these past few days.

She nods at me, her blondish-grey hair falling in front of her face. "When you turned 5, we had to go into hiding. Volde- I'm not supposed to say the name, was dead but his followers were still out there." She sighed, brushing her hair out of her face.


There's that name again.

"Why did we have to go into hiding?" I ask worriedly. She ignores my question and continues. "His followers wanted to kill all of us since your father married me. They didn't believe that a wizard should marry someone like me." She said softly. I drink my tea as she explains it more in depth.

"What happened to him then? You said he died in a car crash." I confront her, the tears in my eyes growing larger as I speak.

"We were in the forest running, me and your father. You were home with my sister so you were safe. But he told me to go, as he stayed behind. He was left behind." She said softly, looking away as she blinked back her tears.

Tears roll down my cheek. I start to choke up, hearing the full story. I set down the lemon bread I was eating and shake as I get up from the table. "I need to be excused." I stutter as I run up the stairs in tears, not caring about the calls of my mother behind me.

I had to escape.

I carefully shut the door of my room and slide down it in tears. I knew he was dead, but somehow this was way worse. Knowing the details of how and why he died made me hurt more.

He couldn't love her?

Why is this possible?

After a few hours of crying and thinking in my room,  I go back downstairs. My mother is making grilled cheese sandwiches. "Hi, mom." I say softly. She looks up from cutting her cheese as I walk over to her. "Can you tell me more about my magic? Why am I only going to Hogwarts now?" I ask. She tenses up at my words.

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