Chapter Nineteen: Fight For Your Right

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I sit down next to Blaise on the ground of his dorm. If he was going to let me go, I had to drink with him. Well 'get drunk with him.' In his words. I hold the bottle of vodka in my hands and take a sip. The liquid burned down my throat as I swallowed.

"That's more like it." Blaise exclaims.

I was uncomfortable, I didn't like how he was acting.
And I didn't like being with him. He had just told me that he should've let me get raped. I didn't trust him anymore.

I've seen him drunk before but this time it was a little different. He smirked at me as I forced myself to take another sip. "Oh come on, drink some Pronia." He urged. I unwillingly grabbed the bottle and drank as he sat there and watched me.

I had a bad experience with Pronia before. I knew it would end up like last time.

The alcohol intoxicated me more with every drink.

"Blaise, I can't do this." I mutter softly. He snatches the bottle from me and pours it into my mouth. I consume way more than I intended to. I push the bottle away after drinking almost half of it. "Blaise stop!" I shout.

He sets the bottle back down on the ground and rolls his eyes. "You know Moon, now that you're a little intoxicated you won't remember any of this. I think I should tell you something that's been on my mind lately." He explains. I smile widely and nod at his words.

I was drunk now.

And it was all his fault.

"I'm the one that set the fire in your room." He laughed. "Well it wasn't me, someone told me to do it, I just agreed to it."

My eyes widen at his words. I could've died. And it wasn't one of my enemies who had done it, it was one of my friends. Someone that I had trusted. I could've died and it was all Blaise's fault.

Trusting him was a mistake.

"Who told you to do it?" I asked. I needed to know who wanted to kill me. Or harm me for that matter. "You don't need to know, now let's have some fun." He exclaimed. I shook my head in disagreement. He checked the clock, it was time for breakfast. "Perfect. Get on my bed, Moon." He said softly.

I politely walked over with him and sat on his bed.

I didn't know what I was doing. I sure didn't like it though.

Blaise grabbed his wand and pointed it to the door. "Alohamora." He muttered softly. I thought you weren't supposed to use magic.

The door unlocked itself. I tried to get up from the bed but he grabbed my arm back harshly. "Blaise I need to go back to Draco." I explain. He pulls me back onto the bed and forced his mouth onto mine. We didn't even kiss for a second when someone else walks in.

I push Blaise away and turn to see Draco standing there in the middle of the doorway. He clenches his fists tightly glaring at Blaise. His chest heaves in and out full of anger. He looked angry.

But not at me.

"Draco please, I didn't mean to do anything." I cry out, running over to him.

"I know."


I push Moon behind me, she was drunk but I didn't care much. I didn't really find it to be her fault. Sure I was mad at her, but it was mainly Blaise I was upset with.

"Draco I-"

"Go back to the dorm." I snapped. She had tears in her eyes as she struggled to run out of the room. She slammed the door, leaving me and Blaise alone.

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