Chapter Twenty-Eight: Truth or Dare

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It's been a week since my miscarriage. Things were getting better for the past couple days but I haven't gotten over it.

And I don't think I will anytime soon.

How could anyone?

I've gotten a little closer to Draco and for some reason he won't really open up to me. I guess everyone has their secrets.

I tried to go to Dumbledore about Katherine's attempted murder but he wouldn't do anything. In fact, he highly doubts she did anything at all. He says that she's a wonderful student with a brilliant mind who wouldn't think of hurting anyone.

People really don't know what's behind closed doors.

I even showed him the marks she gave me, but he dismissed it. Then he asked me how I even knew that was her intention.


The professors at my old school were way better than him.

At least not everyone is like that.

Draco has been acting a little weird lately. One minute he's fine, but the next minute he's rude to me. He switches up so much that I don't know what to think of him. I love him, but I wish he was easier to deal with.

I feel like once I start to settle down with him, something bad happens. Maybe the universe is trying to tell us something.

"Moon, get your muggle radio." Victoria called to me, interrupting my thoughts as I stood up from the common room couch. I started walking over towards the girls dorms.

"Make sure it doesn't have those slow songs on. I hate them." Draco spat. I turned around to stare at him.

I knew he was lying.

"Do you know?" I smirk as I cross my arms, trying not to laugh. Did he completely forget about the time we slow danced to a slow song together?

"Don't tease him, he probably doesn't listen to music anyways." Blaise snickers. Draco snapped his face towards him in annoyance. I rolled my eyes and turned back around headed towards my room.

Hopefully there wasn't a fire this time.

I walked up the stairs and through the hall until I found the door of my dormitory. I opened it and locked it before grabbing my radio.

I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.

I quickly grabbed my radio and walked out the door. It's weird how much things can change. It's almost been a year since I've been enrolled in Hogwarts and I couldn't be happier. If I'm being honest, my friends are the only thing keeping me going. After my struggle with self harm in the past, they're the closest thing I have to therapy.

I don't want to be where I was before. I didn't want to feel alone anymore. I'm glad that I'm finally finding where I belong.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron have been a little distant.

I don't know why though.

I'm not too surprised. People grow apart. Maybe that's why Hermione never visited people from school. She probably felt herself drifting away from her old self and started fitting in more with the witches and wizards at school.

As I entered the common room, I saw my friends all sitting on the couch like I knew they would. I turned on my radio and placed it down on the floor before sitting next to Draco.

It started playing a pretty upbeat song which I knew everyone would like.

"Let's do something fun!" Pansy exclaimed.

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