Chapter Twenty-Six: Silence

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It was finally dinner time. I was so glad that the day was almost at an end. I managed to avoid Draco all day, but Katherine mocked me every chance she got. She was happy that we got in an argument, or whatever it was that happened.

I sat down next to Victoria and Pansy, something was happening with Victoria but I didn't know what.

"Come on, Vic. You need to try the pork it's really good." Pansy urged. Victoria shook her head as she stuck a small piece of cauliflower in her mouth.

"Victoria, you need to. You haven't eaten all day." I said softly, urging her to eat. Something was really wrong but I didn't know what.

"Hey, ladies."

We all looked up to see Blaise sitting across from us. I got a little uncomfortable by his presence and looked away while Victoria kept staring.

She probably still had feelings for him but I didn't judge. I mean who am I to judge who she's into. My boyfriend said he was going to fuck the girl I hate most.

It can't get much worse than that.

"Hey Vic, you alright?" Blaise questioned. She looked down at the table and nodded her head. "You look kind of tired, I think you should eat it'll make you feel better. Trust me on this" he mutters.

She lets out a sigh and takes a bite of her pork. Her face lit up as she took a hard swallow.

"It's good but wouldn't you rather be anywhere else?" Victoria stated. "I mean Pansy would rather party than help me. Moon, you would rather have sex with Draco all day, and Blaise you'd rather just play with m- you know what nevermind."

"Vic- we didn't mean-"

"I know Pansy, I know you don't mean to be rude but I'm perfectly fine by myself. You guys just go." she muttered.

Pansy just shot up from the table in annoyance, she didn't leave though. I saw her walking away and sitting down next to Crabbe and Goyle in another part of the Slytherin table.

"I'm gonna stay." I say softly. She looks up at me and shows a sad smile. "It's fine, you don't have to. I'll stay with Blaise." she explained softly.

Was she sure?

"Go." she laughs, waving her hand. "I'll catch up with you later. I promise."

I nodded and gave her a hug before getting up and leaving. I was done with my food and I just wanted to make sure she was okay. Hopefully being with Blaise was good for her.

I exited the Great Hall looking back at Victoria and Blaise. She was laughing, she looked happy with him.

I didn't know what to do after I ate. I didn't want to go back to my dorm and I most definitely didn't want to talk to Draco.

I headed up towards the astronomy tower. I didn't know what I was going to do up there, maybe just look at the stars or something. I slowly walked over to the railing and approached the edge. I could've jumped but I didn't want to.

I didn't want to die.

I sat down with my feet handing off the edge. There was a knot in my stomach but the feeling of the cold air in the night was exhilarating.

I looked up at the stars shining bright above me, each one was different. I looked down into the castle and saw some students running around in the courtyard.

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