Chapter Four: Ferret Boy

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I didn't know if I could face him. I couldn't face the embarrassment.

"Well you look dreadful." A voice giggles.

I peak my head up to see a ghost. I jump at the sight of a girl. Or a ghost girl? I have no idea she looked like a girl but I could see through her body. Maybe she died but I had no idea. She laughed again as she sees my surprised expression.

"What's the matter? Have you never seen a ghost before?" She asks rudely. I shake my head. I couldn't speak, I was too astonished. "My names Myrtle. But it's ok, you can tell me what's wrong." She says flying down to me.

"Umm.. There's this boy. And I had sex with him, he even took my virginity. And I really like him, Myrtle. But he played me. I have no idea how I can face him now." I stammer as warm tears roll down my face.

I quickly wipe my tears and look up at her. "What's your name again?" She asks. "Moon Torres." I reply softly. She nods and flies closer to me. "Well then Moon Torres, It seems like you really like this boy. Is he as bad as you say he is?" She asks concerned.

Was he?

"I have no idea." I reply softly. She rolls her eyes and flies up again. "What's his name?" She asks giggling. I'm very confused by her change of emotion. I look up at her, tearing up as I have to recall his name.

"Draco Malfoy." I mutter weakly.

Her smile fades as she nods slowly. "I know who that boy is. He has many problems of his own, tells me all of them." She stammers as she flies closer. "Don't cry over him. He cries over everything anyways." She says mockingly.

Suddenly I hear footsteps, I turn and see Hermione.

"Hi Myrtle. Moon what are you doing here?" She asks awkwardly. I shoot up and Myrtle giggles as she flies away. "Were you crying?" She asks walking up to me. I shake my head, wiping away my tears.

"Why were you crying?" She asks, examining my face. I try to look away from her but she turns my face towards her again. "I- I can't." I stutter. The tears reforming in my eyes.

"Tell me why you were crying."


"The teachers. I'm not used to them being so mean." I lie.

She hated Malfoy, I couldn't tell her about him. She would hate me. That's not a risk I was willing to take.

"You'll get used to them. Especially Snape he's one of the meanest. Don't let them make you like this, ok? Some of the teachers here are really nice, just like Ms. Doggen." She says. She then walk over and hugs me tight. "Thanks Mione." I whisper.

This is what I needed. She was one of the few friends I had here at Hogwarts. She was one of the only ones that would understand the insults. She was the only one I could really talk to.

But not about this.

"I remember Ms. Doggen too, she was the best." I laugh. She pulls away and puts her hands on my shoulders. "From now on if anything is bothering you, come to me. And maybe we could talk to her during the summer too." She says flashing me a smile and walking into the bathroom.

I check my necklace. My necklace looks like a locket, and inside of the locket is a mini watch. My dad gave it to me before he died. I see that it's around lunchtime so I head to the great hall. I see Victoria sitting down at a table eating her food, so I walk and sit next to her.

"Here's your things, you left them in class. What happened back there?" She asks concerned. I look away and she hands me an apple. I don't respond, keeping my eyes on the apple she gave me. "Look Moon, I want you to be ok." She says softly.

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