Chapter Two: Confusion

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I walk around for a little while until I go into the common room. I needed to cool off after what I've learned.

I walk in and see Malfoy and Pansy kissing aggressively on the couch. They were dating and I should've minded my own business but there was no reason for them to make a mess. I grab one of the blankets from the chair next to them and throw it over their bodies.

"What the hell?" Pansy asks angrily as she turns around and throws the blanket off of her.

"Oh, Moon what are you doing here?" she asks. I didn't want to turn an awkward situation even more awkward.

"I was just going to my room." I said trying to avoid eye contact with the devil on the couch. I wasn't really telling the full truth but what would they know?

"Good. Get out of here then!" Malfoy shouts at me.

Why did he have to make me feel like this?

No one at my old school made me feel this bad about myself. Anything that came out of his mouth was incredibly rude for no reason at all.

"I never asked your input, Malfoy. Just don't make a mess on the cushions. Other people like to enjoy this place, not just you." I say as I cross my arms.

"What's that supposed to mean you filthy little mudblood." he says as he gets up from the couch, pushing Pansy to the side. I felt my heart drop as he said it again. He shouldn't be able to call me that name.

"Call me that again and I swear, I will drive my wand so far up your ass that you'll-"

He cuts me off by hitting me with a random pillow from the couch.

"Much better, your voice makes my ears ring." he sighs while his lips curved into a small smirk.

I don't know what comes over me next. The next few actions are all a blur. I slap him across the face and push him onto the table that he is standing in front of. He lets out a small yelp as his body and the table collide.

Did I really do that to Malfoy?

I don't care.

I ran.

I ran to my dorm, not knowing what to do or how to react. This anger that was inside of me, made me things I would've never imagined. I just met him yesterday, why did I push him into a table? Sure he was an ass, but that's not an excuse to be rude to everyone.

I reach my room out of breath and plop on my bed. As few minutes after I catch my breath, Victoria walks through the door.

"What happened to you? Are you okay?" she asks curiously. I sit up on my bed and nod my head, telling her everything is okay.

"Everything's fine. Malfoy just get on my nerves, that's all." I reply, trying to brush it off. We start talking for a few hours which helps me calm down a little bit.

"So I can tell you have feelings for someone, Moon."Victoria mocks. I laugh it off but she stares me down wanting to know who. There was no one at Hogwarts that I had feelings for.

"No one, I promise." I laugh.

Her eyebrows raise at my words. I didn't have feelings for anyone, I was being completely honest. I don't understand why she wouldn't believe me.

"Fine, Ron Weasley." I muster out. I have no idea why I said his name but it allowed me to stop her from asking questions. It was a lie, yes, but I didn't have any other choice.

"Gryffindor Ron?" she questions smirking as she gets up from her bed. "I never took you as the ginger type."

"It's not about gingers, it's just something different." I reply. Nothing I was saying was true.

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