Chapter Thirty-Four: Sixth Year

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I'm back for my second year of Hogwarts in my sixth year. Though not much has changed, I have. Instead of staying with my mum this summer, I slept at Victoria's house.

I haven't gone to any death eater meetings but I still knew what they were doing. 

Victoria and I read the Daily Prophet together, learning about the terror that death eaters were causing. She knew that I didn't go to the meetings, but I didn't have to.

If I wasn't called then there wasn't any need for me to go.

Even though I missed my mum, I didn't want to go back. She's hidden this part of me away, once I go I'm afraid she won't let me leave.

Another person I missed was Draco. I haven't seen him all summer which I'm not too surprised by.

"Let's take a seat over here," Victoria mentions as she points to an empty compartment.

I walked in and closed the door behind me and Victoria. We both changed a lot. I was able to take care of her a little more now that I spent the summer with her. She went back to her previous weight and her hair started to thicken up once again.

I cut my hair a few centimeters below my shoulder which defined my facial features. I liked how it made me look, feeling more confident than last year.

"Do you know where Blaise is at?" she questioned, "We talked all summer and I still can't find him."

It's true. She talked to Blaise as much as I talked to Draco this summer; or tried to talk to. He hasn't answered any of the letters I sent him.

"He'll come around, Vic. In fact, Blaise can't get enough of you," I reassure her.

She smiles happily as she states outside, resting her cheek on her hand. Her smile grew wide and her grey eyes filled with desire.

She loved Blaise more than I loved Draco, which was nearly impossible. The simple truth is, they love each other but won't admit it to each other.

Even Draco wasn't that stubborn.

"Draco loves you too, Moon. All I'm saying is that he loves you to the stars and back. It's okay if he isn't answering for a few months, he'll always have a place for you in his heart." she mentions, turning her head to face me.

I stared at the compartment door, wishing it would open with Draco on the other side.

"You must act as you did before." I heard whispers from behind it.

Draco forced himself in as Snape stood behind him, flashing Victoria and I a glare before strutting away.

He sat with a disgusted look plastered on his face as he faced towards the door. Somehow, he looked sicker than last year. His eye bags were shades darker and his hair was ruffled as if he was tugging at it.

His body was tense, as if he didn't want to be with me.

"Leave, Victoria," he snarled, his head still facing the floor. He didn't bother hiding the look of disgust on his face. Usually he didn't have a problem with her, so why now?

She swiftly snapped her face to be centered with his, narrowing her eyes at him in confusion.

"Why so you can fuck Moon in here? Is there a list of places you need to mark off or something?" she questioned in a joking manner which made Draco tense up more with frustration. "Oh I see, you want to shag her in a place you might get caught. Kinky, am I right?"

His eyes dilate smaller than they were before as his body means in closer to her.

"You know, if you're so sure that I want to do things in here with Moon, how do you Zabini doesn't want to do the same with you?" he explained softly, the side of his lips curving into a half-smirk as he stared her down.

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