Chapter Sixteen: Christmas

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"No, the tree needs to go on the other side of the couch." Victoria orders. Draco and I have been helping her decorate the common room for the past hour. The tree was the hardest to manage.

Draco and I lift up the tree and put it on the other side of the couch. "This good?" I ask, exhausted. She puts her hand on her chin and thinks. "Now I'm thinking over here, she turns to point to the other corner. I let out a big sigh as Draco backs up from the tree.

"I'm donehelping you, go get someone else." Draco spat as he laid down on the couch.

Pansy walked over after finishing hanging the christmas lights and sat on the chair next to me. "Look Vic I think it looks great maybe we should relax. It is Christmas Eve after all." She explains, sitting down beside me.

Victoria sighs as she sits down next to Draco on the couch. "It's my first time not being home for the holidays. I just wanted it to be perfect." Victoria explains. I feel kind of bad for her. But this is the first Christmas I haven't been with my mom either.

I honestly kind of enjoyed it so far.

Pansy grabs one of the blankets from the chair and throws it towards her. "Well you better get comfortable, cause this is the best Christmas you're ever gonna have." She laughs. Draco let's out a groan as he sits up on the couch. "Is this going to be like a girls day thing? If so I'll leave." He says annoyed. I try to hide my smile from him by looking away but he just laughs.

"Horny already for me?" He laughs, leaning back in the couch.

My face goes bright red as Pansy and Victoria snap their eyes towards me. "I- Uh-" I stutter out, not really knowing what to say. When I don't respond Draco starts laughing again. His laugh gave me butterflies, it was so happy.

"Let's decorate the tree!" Pansy shouts, trying to change the conversation. Victoria and I get up to help her. I pull out a box full of ornaments and hand it to them, one by one. I felt happy. Draco sighs and helps decorate the tree.

After about fifteen minutes we were done. "The tree looks nice." I mutter. Pansy gives us all hugs and waves goodbye to us without saying a word. I think she was probably done with the whole decorating thing. "Thank you guys. I've never had Christmas at Hogwarts so this is really close to what I wanted." She smiled, hugging me and giving a side hug to Draco. He didn't find that very amusing.

She left the common room so it was just me and Draco. "I want you to move in with me, I have room for someone else. I just want it to be you." He says.

I almost see a tiny smile in the crack of his mouth.

Draco Malfoy almost smiled at me.

Not sexually.

I nodded my head and hugged him. He doesn't really like much physical touch that isn't sexual but he made an exception. He put one of his arms around me. I knew that was enough for him. It sure was enough for me. I didn't care if he barely touched me, as long as he did I knew that it meant he cared.

I pull away and kiss him on the cheek.

This was our moment.

"After dinner let's go somewhere in the castle. It's Christmas Eve, I want it to be perfect." I smile. He looks down at me and nods. "I'll take you somewhere." He says. I smile at him and nod, trying to hold in my excitement.

Draco and I walk down to dinner together. I see Katherine talking to Goyle but I don't pay much attention to it. We sit down next to Victoria and Pansy as they laugh. "I can't believe you got Crabbe like that." Pansy laughs.

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