Chapter Thirty-Five: Her

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"Hey, Moon!" Pansy exclaims behind me, carefully carrying her books in her hands. "Let's walk to class together."

Her friendly smile grows wider as I slow down to walk directly next to her.

"Of course, Pansy." I kindly reply, returning a small smile before heading to class.

My smile fades when I see Draco entering the classroom with another girl. Was he seriously moving on already? There was no reason for him to be with her.

"Just ignore him, come on." she reassures me, holding out her hand for me to hold as we walked into the room together.

Hand in hand.

Draco and I made eye contact, a fuming flame of anger igniting in his pupils as his eyes glance down at mine and Pansy's hands which were intertwined. She started snickering at the scene, knowing she had made him angry.

"He's not happy about that," I whisper softly in her ear as I maintain eye contact with Draco. My smile widens as I sit down beside her. At this point he breaks eye contact, his eyes filled with fury while his hands are balled into fists.

"Draco!" Katherine's overly joyful voice exclaims. The way her tone of sweetness fills up the room with glee as she sits beside him. "Oh I've missed you over the summer,"

Her soft hands trace his. Just for a second I can see a small twitch of a smile before it soon fades while looking back at me. There was no reason for that to happen. He loves me.

He does.

He doesn't love her.

He can't love her. Especially after what she's done to me.

"I told you not to worry about him," Pansy sighs, her head tilts to the side as she talks to me. A sweet and sincere grin plastered on her face.

I return the smile though I couldn't help but turn away. My gaze was still on them. Katherine and Draco. His smile returns as they talk and I can see by the look in his eyes that it's genuine.

When she pulls her hand away from him by putting it farther on the desk, he only grabs it to put it back to its original spot. We're dating, not them.

All the memories, all the moments, everything had was gone.

Just like that.

He lost all the love he had for me. Maybe it was all in my head, but I can see the way they bond.

The way their eyes meet when they talk.

The way he smiles as they joke.

The way he pulls her hand for them to be closer.

It was scary though, not because of what I'm witnessing, but because of what I'm not. That should be my eyes meeting his with both love and lust surrounding us. His smile would be bigger if he were talking to me instead of her. He's should be holding my hand while she sits off to the side with jealousy overflowing inside her brain.


That bitch.

She doesn't deserve him as much as I do.

It's all happening because of her. Draco and I are becoming strangers once again because of her.

I know that nothing lasts forever, but because of Katherine Goyle, it ended quicker than expected.

"I'm sorry, Pansy." I mumble, "I can't be here."

I quickly stand up from my chair and walk out of the class with tears in my eyes. I want to kiss him, to hold him, to do anything with him.

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