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"This semester, we are reading Juvie by Steve Watkins." The teacher said as Scout was already shudderin', and her eyes were widened and her eyes were like a lake, that was freezing over. But it was fear, not anger like it was usual.

She was tensed up, looking more like a statue than a human being now, and Demetri looks at Eli, who was shaking his head slightly, at their friend's state of worrying fear.

Eli reached out his hand and puts it gently on top of one of Scout's. He was looking worried as he looked over at a quiet Scout, and squeezed it gently.

She relaxed only slightly and she slouched only a little bit, as she was relaxing a little bit more.

No one was paying any attention to the back of the room anyways and she was calming down quickly, now that the attention was off of her for a little bit.

"What was that?" Eli asked and Demetri was going to his only class that was different from theirs, since he only had one class that they didn't.

"I thought I was ready for this... but it just feels like everybody in here is out to get me." She mumbled, as he sighed a bit and shakes his head.

"I can personally swear to you, that not everybody is." Eli murmured and he raised his eyebrows at her, and, he nods at her eye. "What happened to your face?" He gently questioned and she moved her left hand up to the eye scar.

"The perils of being in Juvie and knowing martial arts... everybody goes after you without any mercy at all." She said and lowered her hand as she shook her head. "Don't let yourself get thrown in there, Eli. Trust me, and I know what I'm talking about. Do not get yourself thrown in there." She said and he nods, as they walked out of the tiny space and into the hallway.

Phones began to beep and Scout looked around quickly, and pulled out her own phone once she remembered about it. She opened it and found an insulting video from years ago, that a person had found and reposted again.

Scout looked all around her and found that everybody was laughing at it now, since it was the very shaky video that had been taken when she was arrested.

Scout put her phone back in her pocket and was making her way into class, when the PA system went off.

"Scout LaRusso, to the Principal's office. Scout LaRusso to the Principal's office."

Scout sighed and shouldered her bag again, as Eli looked over at her with a small question in his eyes. "I'll be fine, really." She said and walked back into the hallways and made her way to the Principal's office.

"Scout LaRusso." She said to the secretary, who scoffed as she stamped a number on a page.

"No surprise there. Sign next to that stamp and wait." The secretary snaps grumpily and Scout rolled her eyes at the harsh words, and she signed name and sat down.

She walked into the room after about ten minutes and found that Kyler and his goons had just walked out. Scout's eyes narrowed, as she felt sudden and cold dread and it was weighing down on her, like a pound of steel stuck into her stomach.

She knocked on the door and the Principal smiled at her, as she walked into the room and shut the door. "I am sure that you're wonderin' why I have already called you. After all, what did I do, must be now spiralling through your head." He said and she sat down on the chair, not saying anything. "Are you not going to say anythin'?" He ask of her and she scoffed.

"What could I possibly say that you would actually listen to, after you just heard speeches and sucking up from those guys who are both bullies and a bunch of assholes back there?" She said coldly and the Principal flinched at her words.

"How dare you? You should be pleased that they came forward and told me exactly how they felt about a criminal being in their school!" The man shrieked and Scout scoffed at his words.

"Just suspend me for suspecting fights and stuff, already. I can't take this any more, so just go ahead and do it!" She snapped at him and picked up her bag and she stood up, sending her chair clattering onto the ground.

"Miss LaRusso!" The principal shouted, but Scout was already gone and she was storming off away down the hallway.

Everyone hurried to get out of her way, except for Sam to both of their surprises. "Just move, Sam. I'm going home." She said quietly and Sam looks at her.

"A criminal and a drop-out? You will get nowhere in life." She said as Scout shoved past her quick, and, continued her way out of the school. "Why are you so upset?!" Sam shouts and Scout stops, she finally stops.

She held the car keys in her right hand, and she turned back around to face Sam. "Why am I upset? The video of my arrest is circulating around yet again, I hear whispers in the hallway, I haven't done anything wrong, and I have already been called into the fucking principal's office, Sam. Have you had your head buried into your phone for so long, that you don't even care what happens to your twin sister anymore?" She asked and her eyes were blazing and catching fire once again, but there was only pain in her eyes now, and something darker.

"Scout... wait!" Sam pleaded, but Scout's hands jerked the wheel and her car tires squealed, as she drove off down the road towards LaRusso auto.

She parked it in the staff parking lot and she found her mom at once, who looked at her with shock on her face.

"Scout?" Daniel asked, quickly apologizing to his staff member, as he was jogging over to her.

"Someone leaked it, again. I can't do this, not again." Scout was mumbling and she wasn't really making much of any sense.

"Honey, what are you talking about Scout?" Daniel asked and Scout shakes her head.

"Hey, Daniel?" Louie LaRusso called out and they all turned around to see Scout's arrest video all over almost all of the screens all throughout LaRusso Auto.

"Someone reposted it at school, and now it is all over the place." Scout was shaking as her parents close ranks all around her and Louie came over to be helpful, as all of the customers were in a state of panic, after realizing that she was in the shop with them.

"Daniel, honey. Maybe you should drive her home." Amanda suggested quickly at the sight of Scout's shaking and Daniel nods quickly.

"Come on, sweetheart." He said quietly and put his arm around her shoulders, as they walk quickly out of the back door, and towards her car.

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